Shai-Hulud is my spirit animal

I’m not wildly in love with the design, but for me, a farmer, who has scraped paint, cracked windows and mud everywhere on my truck from my work of making food for humans and animals and the soil itself, I think it’s a pretty damned practical machine for me.  Provided you knock off 20%.

Those guys are my heroes. 

Luke’s exit remark to Kylo (as I recall from only one showing) while force ghosting him-

Aruby, don’t you know that “sugar” pills are the new cancer? How can you suggest such a thing? Are you a shill for “Big Sugar”?

“And now, in other bullshit news...”

Ok. I’m somewhere around 1,000 in responders, so I don’t think I will attract much in the way of hate mail...

I should not, but did, laugh out loud... thank you.

Here’s one coming to little ol’ Eugene, Oregon to get what it coughed up-

Tyler &/or anyone here that knows the answer to this:

Cool. Go “Gimme Shelter” tank crew

Glad I’m ‘woke’.

I’ll put this right here for your consideration

Always works, easy to grip, cheap enough to misplace with out causing ulcers, rugged, comfortable, did I say always works! ? It’s part of my ‘everyday carry’.

Always works, easy to grip, cheap enough to misplace with out causing ulcers, rugged, comfortable, did I say always

Because $

Why is it that I often finish an article of yours with a cold feeling in my stomach?

This thing... 250,000m. I use it as a FARM truck- multiple times loading it with 175% GVWR pulling stuck things from the mud, bouncing through fields with hydraulic oil and tractor parts in the back. towing seed drill, implements, car trailers loaded with a 1967 Ford F-100, All this while safely enclosing my 3.5

Watching these videos, listening to the excited play by play of "Dear Leader supervises 'GEAR UP' so masterfully!" from N.K. make me wonder what it would be like to live in a pre-ironic era. But perhaps life in N.K. may be all ironic, all the time.

I fear a large un-named entertainment corporation based in Anaheim ruling all with endless rides strapped to the "It's a small World" carts.... When that comes, well I can already taste the gun oil in my mouth...

P-3's shoot the approach at EUG ALL DAY LONG and do it veerrry low. Their pattern is almost directly over my house and it is an air frame who's usefulness I've wondered about a great deal. Thanks for the info!