
We're starting to lose sentence structure here folks.

Yeah, so my issue is how breezily you dismiss the very real issues with incest and age gap, and how you freely lump them together and compare them with dissimilar issues of discrimination. Incest is much more serious than big age disparities, which is itself much, much more serious than status gap, etc. Lumping these

Is this really the best outlet you have?

I'm right so I don't have to examine my behavior is a refreshingly honest position to take. The disdain and condescension really seals the deal.

We accept your apology

Get your dick sucked.

All I've seen is these screenshots, so is this show just what it looks like? The nerdy comedic type, slightly schlubby, begins a relationship with a beautiful woman?

The ol' regressive elitist nerd.

I disagree on skipping it. I find it a very enjoyable game for its social aspect, its simplicity of play, and the tension inherent in a co-op game you play with a traitor in your midst.