On one hand, I understand that many people use safe spaces to coddle themselves and make them feel that they’re always right rather than actually go through the process that everyone goes through, where their beliefs are challenged and shaped.
On one hand, I understand that many people use safe spaces to coddle themselves and make them feel that they’re always right rather than actually go through the process that everyone goes through, where their beliefs are challenged and shaped.
Being that almonds are grown in California, reducing your water consumption in any other place would have no effect on your carbon footprint. The water you wouldn’t used wouldn’t be returned to the San Joaquin Valley; eating almonds just takes the water from that place and doesn’t return it. The only way to reduce…
Made an account just to let KaraThrace know that she needs to chill and stop being bitter. We’re all on the same side here, and there is no need to disrupt a beautiful thread by pointing fingers and making accusations of cheating and sexism.