
Is having a father who was also governor of New York “fairly modest roots”?

The optics look bad because of the implied cluelessness, but the point of environmentally friendly cars that are more efficient and with less emissions isn’t to outlaw performance cars or stop making them.

I saw a red tailed hawk kill and eat a squirrel on mine and apparently his, lunch break last fall. I was 10' from him and he didn’t give a fuck.I kept taking pix and he was like “whatevs bipedal loser”.

Literally the only thing saving us from their malevolence is their incompetence.

Every damned day a member of this administration does something to remind us all that they are stunningly incoherent, frighteningly bigoted, and shockingly inept at even the appearance of decent human beings.

Cash flow is a bitch. You can be immensely profitable, but if all of your money is tied up in inventory and operations, lack of cash can ultimately doom anybody. Without cash you can’t manufacture new products, pay employees, file taxes, or anything else that you need to do to keep the doors open. Ultimately, cash

“The company has been hugely successful in China, where its video service has 730 million monthly subscribers”

I think modern supply chains are so real time that no deal to sell this stuff would last the length of transit across the Pacific. Its not like there’s no buyers -it’s a commodity- it just sounds like nobody is paying what the owner wants to get for it right now and so they are banking on tooling about for a bit until

What the actual fuck?

How many 100o’s of people does the US government employ because we don’t trust auto manufactures to make sure their cars comply with our current regulations?

How many building inspectors do we need, how many food inspectors, safety inspectors do we need? Yes some laws and regulations are overkill but overall they keep people honest

You just made a strong case for INCREASING the budget to the EPA’s testing and certification department. The EPA can barely test a few percent of cars to check that they actually meet the standards, and that’s before the head dumb fuck cuts their budget by 99%...

PS: So none of what you mentioned above has anything to do, nor does it excuse Trump from gutting the EPA...

OK smarty.. How many problems will be caught if #1 there is no official testing agency and #2 there are no longer regulations to test for?

No! So much no!

yes this is correct treat it like its own road. never signal left in a circle, the center median is to your left. signal when youre approaching your exit.

Signal right (or left, in a country that drives on the left) when you are coming up on your exit.

I think signaling for left is confusing, even though many sources say that’s how it’s done. I don’t signal when entering and signal to the right when I’m exiting, to let those trying to enter know where I’m going. If someone sees you with a left signal on, they don’t know where you started from, so they’re unaware if

I’m pinning a note to the corkboard that has our state-required minimum wage poster thing and our reminder to wash our hands that reminds everyone that Tom doesn’t like this sort of thing.

yet here you are, with just enough care to write about it.