
All I hear are tires screaming for their lives...

Does this really measure reliability though? There’s no mention of major repairs or engine/tranny replacements. Anything can run for 200k miles if you throw enough money at it. Well anything except a Fiat anyway.

After all they’re both VW group.

That wouldn’t be surprising at all. Same parent company. Might as well share resources you don’t use very often.

“The camera delivers more than 30 snapshots every second – faster than a cinema projector.”

If they put the camera on the front instead of on the rear quarter panels it’s not going to help.

Why would VW merge with FCA? They’d get almost nothing out of that and there’d be massive incompatibility between the two companies in terms of design, branding, manufacturing, and quality.

Wait the back of my car says V70

He might just be smarter than the average bear, but that isn’t a high bar to clear. He’s probably dumber than the smartest bear though - they can open those bear cans and pull them out of trees and shit.

You understand Obama’s house in Hawaii is not a FOR-PROFIT resort, right? Trump is renting out his for-profit resort and his for-profit Trump Tower for government business. Get the difference now?

Before reading this article, I considered myself somewhat of a lightweight in the gearhead world. After reading this goop about fuel-injected cats and oil-pumping pistons, I feel like a world class automotive engineer.

I wish catalytic converters worked the way the author described. Every car would have an afterburner, there would be flames everywhere on the road. It would be awesome.

Obama: $96 mil over 8 years = $10,625,000 / year

He didn’t fly to Hawaii every. fucking. weekend. At the current burn rate, Trump will have cost the public an order of magnitude more in travel expenses in 4 years than Obama cost in 8.

I didn’t know Obama went on trips every week, do you have a link on a report about it?

Honest question that I don’t know the answer to, how many times did the Obama’s go to Hawaii in the first two months? Also they weren’t personally making money off the trip by them, crew and every secret service agent having to pay to stay there. Also 45 was one of the more vocal critics of the Obama’s vacations, yet

Care to add those trips up? Compare them.

You’re bad at math 3% annually * 10 years is not equal to 1 30% cut.

This is a terrible false equivalency. Your 3% streamlining analogy leaves out the part that a company also demands growth. That’s not how the EPA works. Let’s cut 30 percent of your local firefighting budget. There aren’t any houses on fire right now.

No, that is not what happens in the “real world” as you call it. Businesses are always attempting to get as lean as they can, but that doesn’t automatically mean budget cuts always and forever. Quit extrapolating what the “real world” from your own anecdotal experience.