
But for a high-speed accident, it’s quite a desirable outcome. No violent rollovers, no crashing in barriers, no-one crashing into him. Minimal harm to the occupants and vehicle, it might even be good with some bodywork on hood and windshield, depending on how much damage the A-pillars took.

There may be ratty old vans with bad exhaust, in my childhood vans converted to ice cream trucks always were crapcans. They existed before those modern and high-polish food trucks came up. But emissions from some randomly found old vans don’t reflect the current state of technology. Soot particle filters have been

It actually is like he said, three trucks involved as the blade transport got hit in the back by a lorry on the exit ramp which made the blade fall off and swing into another truck.

I know how it happened, it was in german news some days ago.

It’s not about it being legal or not, it’s about it being stupid AF to risk the trust of a valuable intelligence source.

Looks like an Audi version of the Bentayga to me:

Saw it parked two spots behind an older gen A5 recently, and while the new one in person looks quite okay to me, in direct comparison the lines work much better on the outgoing model for me. The side profile also has some design elements I can’t quite warm up with, there’s just so much going on and even the rake of

In Germany, we have a saying: “päpstlicher als der Papst sein” (Being more pope-y than the pope). I think that fits perfectly to the tweet responses in the article.

Happy to hear Jalopnik/Gawker is recovering from the Hulk attack!

That windscreen extends above the drivers heads up to the b-pillar. Taking the “Air” name to the cockpit. Also, a bunch of teens being their test drivers.

Everything else also broke, by the way. Alternator broke and regularly killed all lights beforehand, oil pan rusted through, brakes were rusty, one license plate fell off with its holder, fuel gauge wasn’t trustworthy and the car occasionally just wouldn’t start. It understeered like the titanic, had the braking

Yes, I had the unfortunate experience of having a Chevy Kalos (a trashy Daewoo, really) as my first car. Got it with 45,000 miles on the clock, 5 years old. It started burning oil like hell after some time (1 gallon every 200 miles in the end) before the engine completely failed with less than 60,000 miles. And yes,

Chevy’s haven’t even been offered in Germany and most of Europe for four years now, apart from the Camaro. GM’s Europe operations are called Opel and Vauxhall, which do have respectable market share.

FCA has been under investigation by german authorities for a year now. After Dieselgate, they checked a multitude of cars for similar devices and apparently found one in some Fiat models. “German motor transport authority KBA had found evidence that the exhaust treatment system in some of FCA’s models would switch

It’s a Gartenzwerg (garden gnome), because for some reason putting small gnomes made out of porcelain in your garden is a thing that made it into german culture. You would see those in especially kitschy gardens and at allotments belonging to people that probably already were alive when the last microbus came out. On

Will it be available with the traditional round airbag cap 3-spoke steering wheel? (like this)

Well first, we don’t have that much salt, ice and plowing around here in northern Germany as we only have few days (if any) of snow each season and no heavy snow at that. Many years we don’t have one or two consecutive days of snow staying on the ground, so milder climate probably helps a lot here.

Surface has to be redone pretty regularly if you don’t do it right in the first place. I can’t talk for American methods of paving, but here in Germany I don’t recall the perfectly-intact and patch free main roads I use regularly being worked on in the last 15 years, so I don’t doubt the process used isn’t durable if

Whenever you think okay that topic is through there still keeps new stuff coming out about fuckups at VW and other industry players. In a recent issue of german Auto-Motor-und-Sport, they tested a broad range of makes and models which all emitted NOx 0-15 times the allowed maximum. The online article isn’t quite as

Feel the same way on new entries doing risks established manufacturers don’t feel like taking, though I do believe they want to stay in the market, establish a brand and continue to earn money on that.