
“The projects Jia invested in, including in China, seem very difficult for him personally to realize,” Nevada State Treasurer Dan Schwartz said in an interview with China Daily.

It will also result in American cars becoming uncompetitive in the long run or car makers just adding a bigger/less clean engine option to their otherwise efficiency-trimmed cars, if they want to sell their cars, like, anywhere else on this planet. A company like Ford or GM will still have to spend their money on

In the northern German town of Bremerhaven, public transport added two Pokemon Go and sightseeing bus routes through the port and city with 7 stops, where the bus takes you around the important Pokemon spots and also show you some sights.

..and if you’re just looking for a stretch for a high-speed-run, the A1 from Bremen to Hamburg would be ideal. 50 miles of unrestricted 3-lane Autobahn, close to no elevation changes or turns, perfect surface. A bit boring, but you can drive safely at the maximum.

Infotainment could also be new Volvo, while the name is one of those fake-German-names, that are all the craze over Russia and China and make it look like a fancy European quality product. Very similar to German luxury TV maker Loewe.

He had two gigs at a car show in Germany last year. Very exciting stuff, a show of nearly half an hour with absolutely insane stunts and drifts. Getting out of the car, sitting on the roof, at one point, he switched to another car and drifted around his still-drifting car, slaloms around audience and stuff like that.

My first thought was Audi A7, but then again, you would see an A7 100x more often than a Tesla in Europe.

These floods have been all over Germany recently. Multiple towns around western and southern Germany declared state of emergency after heavy rain led to floodings, serious damages and several deaths. Towns and highways were flooded, some covered up to five feet high in mud.

As a german (and regular swiss visitor) I’d say another reason is understatement. You know your car and you choose it for the features and the luxury you want and don’t want/need to show off (A german word for a flashy car is “Penisprothese”, which basically means cock prosthesis, so you need to compensate for

“Ja bitte. Ich bin grün vor Neid.”

I have seen the new E-Class several times now and it is very hard to make out between a C-Class and a S-Class, and I come from Germany and can probably tell most german cars by year of production. The E-Class, if seen from the side, is very confusing. It looks like a S-Class, because it’s distinguishably larger than

“Like all Italian cars, the 4C also has its quirks. And I am not referring to quirks such as “the door handle is at a funny angle.” I mean quirks as in “before creating this vehicle, did the engineers ever spend time in an automobile?””

huh? “German authorities conducted emissions testing on 53 diesel vehicles, finding that many Mercedes, VW, Porsche, Audi and Opel cars produced excessive pollution.”

..because of course he would think that.

Our Federal Motor Transport Authority, the KBA, actually has the most german institution name. Kraftfahrtbundesamt.

My father had his first and only crash with a last-gen XC90 rental in England last year. Not used to rhd, he hit a grandma in an old japanese car while turning at an intersection, and while her front was toast, the Volvo didn’t even have a cracked headlight cover.

Also, the german state of lower-saxony has 20% of VW voting shares and another 10% in non-voting shares. Even if shit should really hit the fan, government support is without question.

These roundabouts/big places actually are the worst. All over Paris, you have these unmarked ten lane circles where everyone just drives however they want to. Total anarchy and horrible to drive, so it’s a good decision to transform some of these into parks.

I think the grille-less car also is a great for endorsing it’s electric power aspect. When you look at the car, you think something is missing, that a grille needs to be in the front; it even is shaped like it was built around a grille. But then you see that metal panel, and then it makes you think about it and it