

Barack Obama: probably the most “human” president ever.

Really great video and cool of you to show the background of a car show for some different documentation and information about these! Might add that I regularly am one of those hundreds logistics or catering temporary workers at Hannover Messe, so I might be a little biased though :D

That headlight line looks a little like the first gen Audi A7 but I like all of this.

Weird lines.

From this view the body lines look surprisingly flat and “unrefined”, like it’s made out of LEGO pieces.

There already has been a second incident within 24 hours where Russian military vessels forced a turkish merchant ship to change its course as it was on a colliding course with Russian ships carrying an oil platform.…

But how exactly does this huge and heavy metal beam magically move vertically from a truck into a car? Seriously, what are the physics at play or did this beam just lie lose on top?

Looks like a bird flying or jumping with the upwards body.


Bullshit. It just shows that they gave a lot of thought and discussion into a very heavy topic. Europe has become generally pacifist and unwilling to engage in/have war after the two world wars, also after the American wars in Vietnam, Iraq and Afghanistan it has become really hard for politicians to justify risking

Where the chiron got his headlight treatment idea from.

Where the chiron got his headlight treatment idea from.

Whait WTF is this? In Germany, the first 1-3 characters represent the region they are from (as in: HB for Hansestadt Bremen, M for Munich, B for Berlin, VER for Verden). This one has a number in it and is no real county.

As seen on everywhere around Sweden. Is there actually a safety gain by this?

Either simplify, then add lightness or they just go this way:

“The immigration pattern is unlikely to change. The majority of people of former soviet republics of the Central asia or Caucasus, or the bordering Chinese provinces are still so poor and desperate that migration to Russia seems like heaven for them. Heck, wouldn’t be surprised if there is a ton of Belarus and

Well they’re not really making a secret out of it, are they?

Absolutely no new ideas, so this company will have to succeed on design, quality and marketing. Not that “mysterious, new and revolutionary company” I thought this would be.

This is funny because as a German I can totally get their idea. Germans don’t drive with beverages in their cars anyways and if it mostly is a closed cup/bottle so there’s no risk while they can also hide the buttons for a clean look, though it is stupid to have to open this compartment for the buttons.