
Thoughts and prayers....Now is a time to mourn, not to politicize....Only a good guy with a gun can stop a bad guy with a gun...California has the strictest gun control laws already...Making guns illegal makes it so only criminals will have guns...Open carry will solve mass shootings...

I got an expensive-ass cat (from the Humane Society when his previous human went into an old-folks home) and I felt so sorry for the guy; being a collector-cat, he’d never really experienced a cat life. I don’t know what she did to him, but he had some severe mental issues that made him unhomeable to any but an

had been suspended because he placed “his hands on a young woman.”

You have did great yesterday, Americans, and don’t let anybody tell you otherwise! You’ve sent a clear message to the racist grifter in the White House, and despite all the unhinged tweets he could write today, he IS worried and felt the blow.

Still can’t get over the fact that Blake Shelton was sexiest man alive before Idris Elba. It’s not enough that black people have to be twice as good. Black people have to be ten times as attractive too. 

I don’t understand why Fox News won’t cover the war on Thanksgiving since they seem to love covering wars on holidays. the past couple weeks we’ve had:

It was the best of times, it was the worst of times......jk, it was the best of times. Early last month I got to visit France for the first time for vacation (with a major reason being to see Versailles in person) and naturally my gay ass needed an appropriate outfit fit for a King (or Queen, I’m definitely a Queen on

Her half day in Cairo would’ve covered my disability costs for 6+ years.

The above-referenced photo:

I always like to think she ends up with her Husband, the man she married and loves and not the stalker best friend who she barely knew. After he leaves with his stupid stage direction cards, she tells her husband who promptly calls the cops.

Yeah. She sticks with her husband, which makes sense because Andrew Lincoln’s character is her husband’s best friend and they literally had just gotten married. The saddest story is Carl and Sarah. I so wanted those two to hook up and live happily ever after. Alan Rickman deserved to be dumped for breaking Emma

Can’t wait for the film! I love scientific research station murder mysteries!

Presumably there are not many books available at distant antarctic outposts and Savitsky is a lover of literature.

As an avid reader myself:

Murder and attempted murder is wrong.

Speaking as a fat man fond of Hawaiian shirts, I have some standards.

The pink and green kitchen is amazing. I don’t care. It is. The hobbit dining room is a little more ... doubtful, but if you got rid of the stools and let your guests sit on the floor, it’s also not too bad.

I... Don’t hate them?