

He does a great job hosting the show in most respects. But his blatant biases are more than off putting.

Probst hype. Has it helped or hurt this season?
How does this season stack up so far?
Why is Probst such a douche?

This HvV Sandra montage begs to differ.

The editors have learned to fuck with us in terms of predictability, but now it seems like they are erring on the side of leaving out crucial information just to create suspense. The fact that Hali thought Will was still with them shows that some major damage control on Will's part was kept from us. I can only hope

Even when I disagree with your rankings I enjoy reading these. Thanks for sharing.

This is where the editors are starting to piss me off. Clearly Will did some effective damage control that we didn't see. Why do we have to watch salami-gate instead of that?

I couldn't stand Samoa, and barely made it through the season. So it's no surprise that outside of the ridiculousness of Russell pretty much the entire cast is a blank for me.

We still don't know exactly how things will be structured, but I am fairly certain that most players will be slotted and a minority wil be up for the vote. While there will always be recency bias, production has a vested interest in making sure that we have balance on the season in terms of big characters,

There are a bunch on the list I see no reason to bring back. The two you listed, plus Cliff seems useless and I think we've seen everything Keith has to offer. I'll never forgive Jim Rice for how he treated Cochran, plus based on listening to him on RHAP last week I think his game instincts are terrible. I have no

There are some additional names, including the season 30's and a few others, that haven't been released yet.

Kelly Wiglesworth (1)
Teresa Cooper (3)
Peih Gee Law (15)
Stephanie Valencia (22)
Mikaela Wingle (23)
Chelsea Meissner (24)
Sabrina Thompson (24)
Abi Maria Gomes (25)
Angie Layton (24)
Ciera Eastin (27)
Tasha Fox (28)
JTia Taylor (28)
KAss McQuillen (28)
Kelley Wentworth (29)

I've always thought that Brenda is the most beautiful woman I've ever seen on Survivor, no contest. I don't see much about her beauty here though. So, I wonder if she is more the kind of woman that other women find to be gorgeous, but for some odd reason men don't react to her the same way.

Add "he's a big whiner" and you've nailed it.

She was also the key connection to Carolyn.

That final immunity challenge in Micronesia was made for Cirie, if she couldn't win that one she was never going to win.

Plus, Rachel is pregnant which leaves her de-facto ineligible.

Hey, they had to. They know that stuff is a fire hazard.