
Im white and straight and suffer from mental illness with the same results. Why does this have to be about race? Everyone with a mental illness is treated badly let’s stop making everything about race.

I saw that picture of her and honestly thought she was a dude.

Mental illnessses are already dismissed and mocked. Then add in racism and you get more untreated people. How many others did this nurse dismiss, they should review any deaths she may have caused as well.

It’s funny how Ajit Pai is a person of color, he’s Indian, and his parents are immigrants, and yet he’s sided with the exact kind of ultra-conservative groups and policies that actively work against people like him, as well as ordinary working-class people in general. He’s a traitor, not just to Barack Obama, but to


Ahem, actually not. It’s legal to sue minors in most states if they enter into a contract, and Delaware does not set a cap on the damages that can be passed on to the parents. Mommy may be paying a big bill here.

Pretty sure the burden is on the company to verify the person’s age before entering into a contract

Epic really screwed the pooch here. Cheaters suck, yes, but all of her contentions there are 100% accurate.

Arguments are moot. Not reading a contract doesn’t mean you are not to be upheld by them. It’s not the 14 year old they are suing it’s the lying 14 year old they are suing whom, when they agreed to the terms, stated they were legal age.

Have you tried not cheating?

Well I’m not playing anymore if there’s a risk of a lawsuit.

Who is this person you’re writing about? What do they have to do with pop-culture? Why did the editors let you run this? It seems like this essay that is better suited for your personal blog than Avclub.