
You are someone who apparently has never heard of how armed robbbers gain entrance to buildings.

Again, it’s not unjust. It is what 911 is for regardless of your race you call the cops if you are worried about someone. They are literally driving around looking for things and waiting for your call!! Grow up, people!

How many people minding their own business get killed by black men every year? We had a driveby 2 days ago-woman shot 6 times. Oh, but you think calling the cops for a suspicion is worse than that?

Literally it is what 911 is for-to call if you are suspicious of someone. It is their job to come out and investigate. The cops tell us to call if we see something and if it turns out to be nothing they leave. That is how it works.

The same thing happened to me. It is illegal to sleep in your car in many places. No big deal. Not worthy to get on the news.

If you cared about black people at all you would tell the truth that the black community needs to honestly address the issue of criminality and violence especially among our young black men. 

White women are not calling the police on black men thousands of times a day! LMAO! However, black men are assaulting, robbing and shooting thousands of people a year, more than any other race of men. It is a cultural problem. Playing the victim and crying racist will not fix the problem. In one weekend in August over

Because what happened wasn’t an injustice. Injustice is being robbed at gunpoint. Everyone I know who has had a gun in their face was held at gunpoint by a black man.

He was the one called on and he is not dead. Because he didn’t give attitude or resist anything. If a white woman sees you being dragged into an SUV by a black man, would you like her to call the police or mind her own business? Do you see how stupid this calling racist is?

She didn’t misuse it. She saw a man swoop in the door that she has never seen before. What about that are you not getting? You don;t care about the truth. You care about calling racist.

But the cops didn’t shoot the guy, because the guy calmly explained the situation instead of giving the cop attitude or worse. See how this works?

Exactly. Black men harass white women all the time. Just go ride the subway and you’ll see. That doesn’t make the news. 

The cop didn’t cite her, because the cops spends all day everyday tracking down trigger happy black men committing armed robberies and shootings. Why are you pretending you don’t know that?

The cop didn’t cite her, because the cops spends all day everyday tracking down trigger happy black men committing armed robberies and shootings. Why are you pretending you don’t know that?

The cop didn’t cite her, because the cops spends all day everyday tracking down trigger happy black men committing armed robberies and shootings. Why are you pretending you don’t know that?

Maybe we should post videos of black men committing armed robberies. Oh, we already do. It’s called The Evening News. There’s a reason white women are suspicious of black men. It’s the same reason black men and women and everybody else are suspicious of black men. We need to heal our community and stop pointing