
All we need is SKYNET

Nope, I invented suing. Look out for my Cease-and-desist:)

The Dark KKKKKKKKKnight Rises:)

This kind of headline should be on many many articles...

I am so getting it instead of a cintiq... seems a cool replacement of my intuos:)

Am I missing something? E.g. the reason this post sounds like it's written by Snoop Dogg? I was half-expecting to read about ma'homies in the middle...

Why do people keep saying that the iPad is a device for creation? Try designing something on it, do some music on it (apart from the occasional rhythms you do on Garage Band)? Video editing? Nope, except for some veery rudimentary tasks. Sorry, but to do REAL WORK you need precise input (not a capacitive screen),

OK, I'm sure somebody has already said that, but this technology's been around from the time intel changed their naming convention to i3/i5/i7... Is somebody thinking this is a new feature?!

A designer friend of mine got a laptop with quad-core i7 ivy bridge, 16 GB RAM, Geforce 650M, 1TB hdd for $1000 (I think it was Acer). It's getting her from point A to point B faster than the $2200 Macbook:)

Not to mention Xeons from 1 generation behind...

with ivy bridge and kepler video, 16 GB ram and an SSD to act as cache for video/3d processing what more would you want? Unless yu hook p to a render farm:)

If you want exact color on anything other than your screen, you'd need pantone:)

Go for Ubunto:)

Weeell, open your Chrome browser, open the app store and you'll see some pretty good image editing software, office software, even music composing/editing software - all of them free. Granted, you don't get Creative Suite 6, but they can help in a pinch and are more than sufficient for non-professional use. Also - 3D

Well, perhaps HTC just removed the not-so-fundamental-for-using-your-phone feature for which the phones were held-up: recognising phone numbers/emails in messages:)

Every mid-range nokia from the n95 has had an autofocus:)

Why... I needed that body... if you have enough to break them, send me a MarkIII:)

The problem with 3D is definitely NOT the shooting(and the amount of lenses, processors, depth-finders)'s the seeing part - you know, where you focus your eyes on one surface, while your brain tries to tell you that you are watching things on several planes. I'd be much more excited to see an interesting viewing

Geekbench score: 756? How is that 4 times 1361? (according to these guys testing transformer prime with Tegra 3 [])

actually, you DON'T PRINT. Mostly, because 11 megarays equals a resolution of 1 Mpix... Something these guys consistently fail to communicate.