
Strong Duke Nukem forever vibes here:)

Really? How does this reflect the value of the game? People toiled for it, skipped weekends for it, and suddenly - oh, no, the development process wasn’t rosey enough. Next will be: no awards for games with less than 50% PoC in the team, etc? Let’s separate these 2: Direction awards refer to direction; Management

Sam Vimes looks like Sven Vath on quite a few lines.  Lady Vetinary bugs me with the sh*tload of pollitical correctness that has mandated the casting decision. The trailer itself is made to look like a run-of-the-mill fantasy-action. Congrats BBC, for choosing inclusion over quality & authenticity.

a.k.a. its aimed at audiences that are too stupid to understand how real Cheery was a commentary on our society’s exclusion of LGBT/non-binary people?

lol, the text says quite enough: changing the species of some beloved characters (Cheery), changeing the gender of others (Lord Vetinary), changing the whole story of others (Lady Sibil), changing the setting - Ankh Morpork is an icon of all the Discworld... All of this so that... have more trans/female appeal? I

So, how is free internet a bad thing?

Really, smb is offended that the title says Africa? Dude/lady, go get a life.


Strangely enough, it was one of the more imaginative and easy games at its time. The humor is rough and sill holds up in the age of memes... so I’d say the author lacked the motor skills and special thinking to truly enjoy the game

I don’t mind. heck, have a show where black people enslave all other races and make cultural appropriation a crime. What I am against is people evaluating shows based on race and not on story.

how you do alternative history is by creating something interesting and not something politically correct. But then again, I am white and male.

Then again, every country has its culture, and I am pretty sure some foreign writer, somewhere, is writing a scathing review of... Another period, or some fart jokes on Comedy Central that seem pretty innocent to us.

As much as I agree with your opinion on the USSR, let’s not forget the Marshal Islands, where the US tested nukes on actually inhabited land...

Or skin color doesn’t matter and you are an oversensitive walking stereotype.

Articles like this are a living proof that Trump has a huge chance to become the next POTUS,,,

And then again, there is a dual camera phone with lens by !Leica! on the market - the Huawei P9 (and it already does the DoF thing). How come nobody’s mentioning it?

Actually Nazis tried to revert to old Nordic religions, google it. As for the “waiting” - man, that’s one stupid idea.

And then again, a very insignificant part of the population consists of designers...

The characters in manga and anime look amazingly white-ish, white actors are often cast in J-commercials, so I think the movie will do okay with the Japanese audience. Also, she is a f-ing cyborg, so she ‘s of no race, actually.

UPDATE: removed due to copyright complaint... You’ve got to love big companies supporting their fans...