Ready to speak to the future? For a limited time, Amazon Store Cardholders and new members can save $50 on the…
Ready to speak to the future? For a limited time, Amazon Store Cardholders and new members can save $50 on the…
If you want to build your communication skills, you need to be able to listen to others. If you want to listen to…
The first evil skill I acquired was subterfuge. Trying to deceive my parents is one of my earliest memories. I…
All I want in the world is for RedTube to sue Google for unfairly promoting its own products in search results. I don’t think that’s good or right, but it would be very entertaining.
Yesterday, Google announced YouTube Red. Google, blissfully unaware of what goes on in Incognito Mode, apparently…
Some of the apps you use on a regular basis are worse for your phone than others. AVG has done some analysis and…
Some think that being poor is simple. You don’t have enough money to buy a lot of stuff, so you’re forced to buy…
Then you should probably stay at your current job
There’s not much agreement about nutrition. On many topics—fat, salt, and carbs to name a few—government guidelines…
I know this is gonna sound a bit navel-gazey, but truth is, I found the best thing I could do for myself when I was crap at getting things done was to read Lifehacker. Not because of the tips themselves (though, those helped), but the posts and the community helped influence the way I thought about things. For a long…