
I apologize for this derailment.

I’m mostly surprised people still invite Kelsey Grammer places.

LOL!!! Right!


Kelsey Grammer is why we can’t have nice things. Also, I’m surprised that they chose Zooey Deschanel as Belle. Her voice just isn’t right for the part. OTOH, I’m thrilled they didn’t cast a 21 year old for once.

Let’s put the focus where it belongs: firearm manufacturers profit from the deaths of American citizens. Every time someone wants to kill themselves or others and goes out to purchase a weapon or ammunition, that means profit, and after the killing, the NRA advocates arming more people (which means profit). And if

The gun manufacturer makes money both ways. Deranged shooters buy them specifically because they’re infamous for their use in mass shootings and then gun nuts buy them up because they’re afraid they’re gonna be banned in response to the latest mass shooting carried out with an AR-15

My time in the military wasn’t a bed of roses, but the truth is that I loved it. Ironically, since I was wounded twice, the Army was a very safe place for me and I enjoyed my time there a great deal. That being said, I find the hero worship of past and present service members bizarre. The folks in the military are

My home town in California is suffering from incredible amounts of property crime and murder. The homicide rate has at least tripled in the past 20 years. It’s overrun with thieving drug zombies who steal everything they can (even if it’s nailed down), trash natural areas, leave syringes all over the place even though

No, no, no. I will never try to make a cake from scratch again.

You’ve got to hit up thrift shops and estate sales. That’s how I found duplicates of my mom’s cookbook collection. Also the amazing sewing reference book from Reader’s Digest.

My brother is a food scientist, and he gets into science-y bullshit when he cooks that blows my mind.

It is BH&G. I happen to have one sitting next to me. I pulled it out yesterday to find a recipe for London Broil, but I guess it’s not popular enough to keep in anymore.

Most of our family favorites that people rave over are straight out of that old red and white kind of gingham cookbook - I think it’s Better Homes and Garden. I bought a newer version when I was well into my 30s, was disappointed that most of our old favorites were no longer in it.

A former coworker made her ‘secret recipe’ queso for a potluck at work. The secret recipe is the same recipe from Ro-Tel with half and half added. (smooths it out, and keeps it from turning back into a block of velveeta.)

Honestly, ever since I discovered birthday cake chocolate chip cookies I’ve never looked back.

Totally. I have six of my great grandmother’s recipe boxes and they contain a good percentage of recipes cut from labels, newspapers and magazine ads. She also had a giant pile of those booklets produced by food companies and appliance manufacturers where a lot of the best WTF’ery can be found as the poor editors

Putin straight up faces off the US and tells us “come at me bro” and the orange shit-weasel says nary a peep. North Korea does what North Korea does and rattles its sabers and Trump can’t wait to set off a nuclear war. Innocent children of immigrants want to stay in America and contribute to society and he’s got all

Why? Now that Great British Bakeoff inspired my husband and me to do homemade baking, I now know that homemade cake is just as easy as box mix and we usually have all the ingredients in the pantry anyway. I will grant you that fillings and frostings are a bit harder, OK. But the discovery of easy homemade cakes make