
😂 *snicker* Damn it, I didn’t want to give you your 45th star, even though you deserve a star. Since Trump, that number leaves a bad taste.

Standing ovation for whoever did this!👏👏👏

Silver linings sometimes come in unexpected times.

I think you might have nailed it.

Yeah, that’s the”official” story.

You are not the only one thinking that someone did this on purpose.

Sales of Ex-Lax sure suffered that day...

I didn’t hear about this until about 10pm Pacific because I hadn’t watched the news all day yesterday, it didn’t even pop up on my local Facebook news feed, and if it did I wasn’t aware.

“I figured it was a nice place to die.”

I do too. Carry those heads on spikes through Honolulu’s main drag. Buncha assholes, being sloppy enough to let such an error happen.

You know what, you’re not the only one who is thinking along these lines.

“Staff error” my ass.

I’m so sorry you had to go through this, and give your kitty a kiss for me 😼

Spf 2 million? Wow.

😉😉 But spam is too salty for me now. Getting old is a bitch.

You know what, you’re not the only one thinking along these lines. We do have evil people in the world who love to cause chaos on purpose (example: the Shithole in Chief).

“Staff error” my ass.

“Staff error” my ass.

Trump is the Shithole in Chief.

So typical of shitholes like him, the flaming obvious hypocrisy.