
the most canadian thing ever

also i have a friend who used to hang out with him in new york, and she wasnt interested in him romantically in any way but theyd hang out here and there hed invite her to parties and stuff. one day he send her a text accusing her of being a slut because she talked to another dude (literally just talked) and he sent

he’s the worst. his instagram stories are infuriating, hes sexist, so very immature and childish he insults women and people that look “weird” to him and goes on horrible stupid rants, i cant believe he is a head writer. its repulsive.

just fyi, the inforgraphics show is a russian propaganda channel that spreads nonsense disinfo about the us and consistently rags on the eu, on the west, on nato, on europeans, etc....always propping up russia ‘in comparison’ to whatever. look at some of the videos...steretypes about russians or americans vs russians,

just to clarify, 1st amendment rights only apply in govt settings. a private place of business can fire you for whatever they want as long as its not discriminatory. there are no 1st amendemnt rights guarantees from private entities, only public/govt ones.

i must say reading all these comments has redeemed my view of humanity, because everyone is funny and agreeing and making clever witty jokes about true bullshit things and not screaming racist misogyny at one another. good job

male privilege is fun. you get to attack everyone and take away as many rights from people who aren’t white and don’t have penises yet at the same time cry and cry about how your rights and power are being taken away. boohoo poor little sad white man... but seriously read about women dominated societies and