
First thing I thought of! I have a friend who complains when we crinkle bags of chips while watching movies and now I desperately want to buy one of these just to see the look on her face.

Canada got biodegradable bags for Sunchips years ago, and were VERY quickly changed back.

I read a book where people used glasses display technology (like advanced Google Glass). It was explained that they had the capability to do eye implant displays, but those fell out of usage because they could get hacked and then people would have ads pop up at them even when their eyes were closed. It was a pretty

Google says it could remove the lens of your eye, inject fluid into your empty lens capsule and then place an electronic lens in the fluid.

There is most certainly more going on with Brit’s mental state than the public is aware of, given that the last time we had information about her mental state, she was in the middle of a public breakdown which endangered her children. Since 2008, no information about her mental health has leaked. That is because her

i kind of get it. my mother is bipolar, but she’s ok as long as she takes her meds. some days, she thinks she’s just fine and doesn’t need her meds. my dad will come in and remind her that she is ok because she’s taking her meds right and then he’ll watch her take them. he also makes sure she doesn’t miss any of her

That was my same thought. I scoffed out loud. A 150,000 word masters thesis?! From a kid who is currently like a freshman in college. And then that thesis is going to get published?! What the fuck is this professor smoking because I want some of it. A 150,000 thesis is like 600 double spaced pages. The longest masters

It doesn't look like food. It looks like tinfoil in the shape of donut. Does it even taste good?

Her caption made me smile.

I hope he pays every bit of that $144k and the $40k fine and then some.

i for real owe my life to the anonymous internet person that i don’t remember who said the immortal words:

A couple years ago I was in a museum and this family of four, Mom, Dad and two young kids, all came in wearing capes. Like full on velvet opera capes. Normal clothes otherwise.

There was a study that men think 30% of women in a group or if 30% of time used speaking by women means it is gender equal. Anything over that and it is perceived as “female biased”

Well, I mean in addition to Jackson being weird looking, I can't recall Hamilton ever committing a genocide in the name of manifest destiny. So there's that too.

when I was an elementary school kid and an aspiring artist, there was nothing more inspiring to me— on dueling ends of the spectrum, I’ll admit— than Lisa Frank art (especially the rainbow leopard, he was under-appreciated) and those animals-in-space pictures that seemed to be on every folder. at least every folder

Good on Cornelius for actually showing up to class though!

Ha! Try the experience of realizing that the scholarship that allows you to attend a certain school is endowed by the family of one of your classmates. So you are a XXX Scholar, but Cornelius XXX is sitting next to you in class. Awk-ward.