
Your compassion is an oasis in a desert of judgement. Some of these comments are pretty messed up. It is a terrifying experience. I was rushed to the ER in surprise labor in the middle of the night at 16. The whole thing was awful. I was treated like a liar and a moron by most of the staff. I could barely keep social

My sister was well into her 7th month before she found out. She still had a flat tummy until the last two weeks when she suddenly POPPED out like she was smuggling a basketball.

I know it sounds impossible, but its totally possible to not know you are pregnant for a long time. I didn't know til I was about six months along. I had a total of four home pregnancy tests tell me that I wasn't, and I took them pretty spaced out over the course of 24 weeks. I have endometriosis and the wind can blow

I know a young woman this happened to. She was a very skinny 19 year old, didn't gain much weight, had always had irregular periods, and thought she had stomach problems (nausea, vomiting, pain). She was in such horrible pain one night that her friends had to FORCE her to go to the hospital. They did an ultrasound and

I think this has to be in the top 10 most traumatic things that can happen to you. I'm assuming that anyone who wasn't aware that they were pregnant obviously wasn't trying to get pregnant, so on top of going into labour with absolutely no preparation, they have the total mindfuck of now having another life completely

This happened to a well-known radio guy in Cedar Rapids, IA. His wife had been told that due to various health issues, it was unlikely she could conceive. Scott had a stage IV cancer and was told he would never father a baby due to years of chemo. So it made sense that any symptoms would be brushed off as something

I didn't realize I was pregnant until seven months in. I had spotting, which I took for just another annoyance of my irregularly-scheduled period, was overweight, and straight-up did not gain any weight. In fact, I actually *lost* weight, but didn't notice because the kiddo made up for the lost weight, and she was

Me too. I found one once and made the mistake of showing it to my dude, who PROMPTLY seized it from me and now shows it to people when he meets them and says, "this is my girlfriend!"

this is some INSANE SHIT

God - as if learning to love yourself at that age (or any) isn't hard enough, and then you look in the yearbook and someone has basically marked you as "not pretty enough" and made you into what they think you should look like? I had terrible self esteem at that age - if this had happened to me, I might still be

Everyone wants a boyfriend who is a good boss. A boyfriend who doesn't tolerate slacking, who has a bedroom in which you will not be sleeping, and who wants a muse.

How many 40-somethings have 20-year-old friends? Do you think he's counting people on Facebook?

P.S: candidate should be ok with possibly being murdered and buried under the floorboards.

"I have an educational blog" has to be a close second to "I sell monogrammed thermoses," right?

Antibiotic resistant bacteria is a huge problem worldwide. And more than the over-prescription, using it fatten cattle is the biggest culprit. A century back, even an infected cut could very possibly kill you.

She sounds amazing. RIP to a truly amazing woman.

*cries while huddling in 5 sweaters*

"I chose you," he said, explaining to her that he had a thing for redheads (Oh good, never mind then about being a cheating asshole). "You were special." Everyone, please grab your eyeballs before they roll into the back of your head. (Coincidentally his infatuation and interest with her disappeared as soon as his

When I lived in England, I got terribly sick and had to go to the ER. When we got there, I waited 10 mins and was seen by a doctor. They did three tests, gave me a prescription and then I was allowed to leave. I never received a bill, and everything was covered - which is the exact opposite of what would happen had I

I can talk backwards and forwards about situations just like this, as I also have a (now adult) daughter with cerebral palsy, and we used to travel often with her. We usually took her car seat with us, but once - with a paid ticket, no less! - our daughter was bumped for A CELLO. Would they have bumped an adult