
Bad take, this is pretty common at the bottling stage. I’ve bottled my share of beer for a couple of cases at the end of the night. I’m sure these people got something out of the experience, it’s not like he was going to bring that many people onto a payroll for a day or two then pink slip them all.

Good! This is how it should have always been.  Now make it so we can order certain things WITHOUT having to get other things that we do not want. 

If Hamilton was another 5ft forward and the contact occurred between Hamilton’s front tire and the middle of Max’s chassis, I’d agree it’s a racing incident.  But being that it was front tire to rear tire, it was Hamilton’s fault.  He is diving up the inside, where it’s essentially a blind spot to the forward driver,

Max was ahead and had the right to the entire track width in the corner, yet still left plenty of room for Hamilton inside.

My big issue with this is that 3 years ago Honda/Acura didn’t care who bought out your lease because they are still going to get that same buyout amount regardless. But now they are essentially changing the terms of the agreement after the contract has been signed..whether or not this is a “legal” issue is outside my

This has to do with cars because...they used a Penske truck? You’re not even trying on this one.

Haven’t accomplished a damn thing in our lives? I once did that thing where you put a pile of coins on your elbow and swing your hand down to catch them, and I’m pretty sure I got, like, 75% of those coins. A lot clattered under the couch, but still. Checkmate. 

This is sarcasm, right?

Found the Tesla Incel...

wow another tesla cult comment. elon musk and his army of nodding idiots don’t approve. shocker. none of these have actually accomplished a damn thing in their lives, but they make time to bemoan honest criticisms of tesla, the single most impactful....wait, what? 

Tesla is running into a problem that they can’t necessarily control, and that’s the ceiling of available technology relative to the various regulations they have to (and should) follow.

A lot of the innovation was due to the technology either not being available, researched, or scalable, with the expectation that once

And yet Elon will never notice you.

UK doesn’t even have the environmental diversity of New Mexico which is far smaller. 

Around a decade ago, Elon Musk and Tesla had a great idea. They developed an electric car that was the opposite of what we had come to expect from one. People thought electric cars were slow so they made it fast. We thought they took forever to charge so they developed a way to charge them quickly and built the

SAAB tried that:

It’s a litmus test if you’re a Musk cult member: if you think this is a good idea, you are one.

And if you’re going to be ridiculous, go with a center control stick like a WW2 fighter, not something that could have come off a fucking Cessna.

Having driven a 458 a number of times, it’s a little hard to get used to, but fairly intuitive once you do. The benefit that car had over the Tesla is that the turn signals are actual buttons, making them way harder to accidentally hit.

I mean I am from the U.K., we have pretty scenery, but like, it’s basically farmland, rolling hills, some bumpy bits then sea, not that diverse.

Sounds like you need to travel more.

The worst part of Horizon 4 was that it was set in the UK with driving on the left hand side.  Every time I picked up the game after an extended break, it took about a billion crashes to beat that into me.