
This, exactly this. I don’t get why anyone buys these mutants. Also, the proportions look off with it.

I think Lexus is worse than BMW personally.

don’t forget Lexus

At 0:36 in the Mercedes video, engine is revving and they’re all laughing ....

I like to think that, in my own head at least, that Porsche engineers take pride in making a not-so-ideal layout work so well. It’s never gotten worse since the 356, only better.

So just two steps to replace them though?

Hitting animals at speed is one of my biggest motorcycle fears.

I’m just going to go to the store and buy chocolate on the 15th anyway.

I’m just going to go to the store and buy chocolate on the 15th anyway.

As a wagon fan, I do not like that at all. That rear end looks so droopy and useless.

America has a long and illustrious history with I6 engines.

Yes, address it properly as Manchester City’s Second Team.

Agree with you on the F40 but the Carrera GT is far from perfect. Zagato brought it closer.

Some cars should not be modified. The F-40 is at the top of that list, with the Carrera GT close behind.

Usually people think it’s Toronto, never heard of anyone thinking Montreal is the capital of Canada.

Dear fellow West Coasters: You think you want a Model 3, but you really should look at the Chevy Bolt. Just pretend it’s not from GM if you must.

I am going to go out on a limb and say it is easier when you have mechanical engineers building a car vs the dropouts from Apple that think every piece of the car should be integrated and not removable except at a Tesla Service center.

Build a mass production car they said. It’ll be easy, they said.

Good review, good little car. I could see James May in one of these.


F1 needs Ferrari but Ferrari no longer needs racing at all. F1 is all but dead if Ferrari leaves because the TV money goes bye bye. Attendance everywhere but maybe Silverstone plummets. You think sponsors are staying in a Ferrari less F1? Ferrari is the Yankees, Red Sox, Dodgers and Cubs.