
Eh. I find CNN to be generally more trustworthy than FOX (which isn’t saying anything at all) and MSNBC (which isn’t saying much), as both of those networks have such phenomenal amounts of partisan spin applied to every story they cover.

CNN trends Liberal, certainly, but it’s so bumbling about it that half the time it

I think the people at Fox News are as sick of Hannity as everybody else is.

It’s a weirdly American thing, too. Few other places in the world plop down an unrequested glass of water by default.

Hmm, yes, okay, this gives me food for thou-

I was thinking exactly that, probably the ubiquitous Judd 4.0 V8 ythat seems to find its way on most 1990+ older f1 cars.

Hank was prick, but a prick who did his job. I’m glad BB turned into the greatest cable drama ever.

I’m not a total prude, there is a time and place where I am not against burnouts, but if the distance between you and something innocent you can damage/hurt is most easily measured in feet, that is not the place.

I hope they have the cash to pay impound storage fees! I wouldn’t be surprised if the cops towed the car for evidence.

i have a sneaking suspicion that i can identify that unknown passenger...

Can confirm, my parked car was hit by a slow moving Altima

First, wagons are what all cars should be. You can have everything without compromising anything.

Most car insults seem to revolve around masculine insecurity.

At a stoplight in my 2001 VW New Beetle:

Thinking about it, I should get some of those curly chrome trim thingies and stick them on the rear windows.

What are we supposed to do with a metric ruler in ‘Merica?

But are these quirks or features? We won’t know until Doug tells us.

No, The Nissan Juke is uglier.

“Most Ridiculous SUV Ever Made”