
It has too much of a concept car feel for my liking. I would have preferred they kept the old steering wheel, and more physical buttons. HVAC should never be part of an infotainment system.

I would love to see them unironically continue calling it the Chinese GP while being hosted in another country.

BMW really missed an opportunity with this car. It could have been their 918 but they put in far too small of an ICE and completely bungled the marketing of it. It’s really not surprising that no one wanted to buy a car that was slower than other BMWs that cost half as much.

That might have been a scene from The Gumball Rally. They had a Chevy van with drums of extra fuel but it tragically crashed into a fireworks factory.

Racing shoes have come a long way since the 60s.

His point is that this was originally conceived as a way to get a street race in the USA, but now it’s no longer a street race. Which begs the question of why bother with Miami at all when there are other good tracks elsewhere in the country.

That rear isn’t just ugly, it’s full on fugly. Jesus christ what were they thinking? It’s like they took all the bad design cues of the subcompact segment and threw them in a blender.

Barcelona 1996, arguably Schumacher’s greatest drive.

Donington was technically a changeable conditions race though; there were segments that were run on a perfectly dry track.

This is the only long-term viability option for Tesla. They’ll never be able to reach the scale of a GM or Toyota, and honestly why would they even want to? They have some impressive tech, and they could fulfill Musk’s goal of getting as many EVs out there as possible far more easily.

In fairness airline pilots are required to have a fairly extensive knowledge of how many of the major systems in the airplane work. They’d go through far more training than any commercial vehicle driver would.

My dad was affected by this recall. The dealer said he could essentially keep anything he wanted from his car, but all he bothered to take were the floor mats (since he ordered an identical model as a replacement). As best I know, it would have been fair game to keep the tires/rims, but you’d likely have to take them

How much of this was down to the awful transmission not having any concept of what a downshift is?

Those GM 4-speed autoboxes were great at sucking the life out of what could have otherwise been a halfway decent engine.

This. The information he provided is verifiably false.

This almost seems like the mentality of the older demographic. These are often the same people who go into a store but keep their car idling for 30+ minutes to “keep the AC running” or some stupid shit like that. These are people so afraid of being mildly inconvenienced that they idle them rather than be subjected to

I’m good with the notion, but North American drivers would need to be subjected to a huge educational campaign on how they work. There’s one near my office (am Canadian) and basically everyone using it has a different concept of how it works. Some people stop at the entry and wait for the roundabout to be empty, some

I’m with you on this, the only times I’ve used a drive through is at McDonalds, after they’ve closed the actual restaurant. Otherwise I really don’t see the point, it’s far easier to just go inside and place your order.

I live near a Tim Horton’s and pass by it on my commute every morning. It pisses me off to no end that the drive through always has a solid 20 cars waiting in line, while the actual store is completely deserted. The sheer laziness of some of these people is hard to wrap your head around, you could just go inside and