Driving on all-seasons in a blizzard is definitely a bad idea. HOWEVER, proper snow tires with AWD is a perfect combination. If you live in a winter climate and you have the choice, you’ll be better off with 4 powered wheels.
Driving on all-seasons in a blizzard is definitely a bad idea. HOWEVER, proper snow tires with AWD is a perfect combination. If you live in a winter climate and you have the choice, you’ll be better off with 4 powered wheels.
I really wish Google hadn’t neutered their portfolio page; even if they stopped any future development but left it as it was I’d be happy. The new one is just too sparse to be useful for me; so I’ve switched to Yahoo! Finance. I still miss Google Finance though...
Honestly, why is it a USB connector at all? Since the PSU lives inside the computer, why not follow the lead of water blocks and plug directly into a header? Otherwise you’ll either need a rare motherboard with an internal connector or an expansion card, or you’ll need to route this cable to the outside of the case.
The CLA was Mercedes’ attempt to compete with BMW’s 1/2 series and the Audi A3; but what they came out with was the third best car in a 3-car category. The A3 was never really attempting to be a mini luxury car, it was released before Audi was even seriously considered as part of the German luxury brands. BMW a little…
Has BMW completely lost the plot? If they actually do this, I’m thinking a full revoking of their enthusiast credentials are in order. This is entirely against everything the brand was supposed to stand for.
Is there a worse car culture group than bro trucks? It’s like there isn’t a single decent person who owns on of these monstrosities.
I’m with you on that, BMW no longer feels like the “driver’s car”, or really anything other than an overpriced premium brand that’s started to lag behind just about all of its competition in terms of features and price point. The new Volvos are a big threat to those who value comfort and tech, the A4 is a decent…
USB type A is dead, it would be a terrible design decision to continue using them when even Apple is now embracing type C. Cars are owned by people for multiple years, and 4-5 years from now you’ll have a very hard time finding anything that you’d plug into a car using a type A connector.
This, so much this. the 320i was the lease special for those people who absolutely needed a BMW but couldn’t actually afford one (not saying that’s OP’s situation, but that’s what BMW was clearly going for).
One minor detail that I’ve always found infuriating is seemingly no movie characters ever pull the handbrake/parking brake when they stop their car. It constantly seems to happen that they pull up somewhere and as they’re getting out of the car it’s still moving a little bit. Does the average person seriously never…
Basically, every non-TG series James May has done, because they’re all fantastic. I would love to see a few more episodes of Man Lab.
2 hours is far too short to be useful.
I actually drive an A3, but mostly because I was offered a better lease monthly than the GTI I was originally eyeing. It’s basically the same car but since I live in Canada the AWD is definitely helpful.
Yeah, you’re almost certainly correct about that.
I cross-shopped this with the A3 2.0 in mid-2016, and the A3 was the clear winner. Faster, AWD equipped, better interior, and for DD use equally good handling/dynamics. Plus you can get A3s for a steal if you shop them in the second half of the year.
That would be the sweet spot for this car. They’re trying to entice buyers in the entry-level or even just below entry-level German luxury segment; but they’re doing it by offering a FWD-only car with less power and a cheaper interior than the A3/CLA250. If you compare all three cars on the objective numbers, what…
I test drove one of these in 2016 and found the interior to be quite sub-par for a “premium” brand, and the powertrain severely lacking. I ended up getting an A3 with the 2.0 turbo almost entirely due to the massive power bump, and the interior felt a clear step above.
But then what was it meant to be? I can’t figure out which niche within a niche it’s trying to fill.
Am I the only one who thinks that this guy has been one of the weakest additions to SNL in years? I don’t find anything about him funny, and it’s kind of sad that he likes milking his dad’s death for comedic effect.
This is what happens when you don’t update your flagship computer for multiple years at a time...