Just go away. Please.
Just go away. Please.
That’s the key point in all this, the M2 is an inferior daily driver to the 240i. If you need a car that you can actually, you know, live with; the 240i is the obvious choice.
This is largely misleading and somewhat inaccurate.
There’s a reason why nobody else spun up a new production line in such a short amount of time (and without any indoor real estate to build it in), because IT’S A TERRIBLE IDEA. Not that I ever planned to buy a Tesla to begin with, but I would be extremely cautious to own a car made on such a hastily built facility.
It doesn’t even really matter who buys them, it’s just going to be interesting to watch when it happens. This company clearly can’t cut it as an independent, their only saving grace is to be acquired by someone who knows how to run a manufacturing operation.
The magic of the G&T is that it doesn’t taste distinctly like either of the ingredients if mixed properly. It creates a third flavor with hints of both, but doesn’t taste like gin with a splash of tonic, or tonic with a hint of gin.
You’re using the wrong gin if this is how you feel.
This. So much this.
I think you’re assuming he’s being more serious than he is. I’m pretty sure everyone who read the article thought that same thing, it’s low hanging fruit as far as jokes go.
This is not a normal reaction to the situation she’s described. Sounds to me like she’s after some cash.
Those assholes took it a step further, and had a whole system for doing bad things to women and people around them who turned a blind eye.
That’s the strange part; since that particular body style went out of production for model year 2012.
Montreal for me, the X4 and to a lesser extent the X6 seem to pop up fairly regularly among the affluent drivers who have convinced themselves they need an SUV, even though 1) they don’t, and 2) these 2 in particular have no offroad capabilities to speak of.
This is a very good counterpoint, and you were the only one who didn’t resort to personally attacking me, so thanks for being a normal human being!
That was a bit unnecessary. Have a nice day!
Could you have possibly been more rude than that?
I hope the guy specifically asked for that body style of Altima, because otherwise this just comes off as slightly half-assed and cheap of Offset, especially when there’s a Rolls Royce in the corner of the picture.
Where do you live? I see more 4GCs around my parts than the actual 2 door; and there are X4s all over the place.
Good lord, that’s a terrible way to do business.
Not on summer tires it isn’t.