
Exactly. The odds that their only sponsor next year is CNBC is extremely small. Give them some time to fill in the blank spaces.

If they ever offer this with AWD, it’ll be by far the best entry in the category. Actually, it would probably be the best value for money in that entire price bracket.

This. When you enter into the later years and find the Series II 3800, you even get some decent power. That was probably the first emissions era V6 to push through the 200hp barrier.

You’re wildly misinterpreting my statement and adding words to it. The ITALIAN tomato sauce’s origins trace back to Naples. Don’t extrapolate my post for the sake of starting an argument.

The tomato sauce originated from Naples, therefore that rendition is the closest thing to winning the “authentic” crown.

Butter?! Just do this the authentic way and use olive oil. You should also throw in a clove of garlic.

If only they still sold this body style in North America. Also, this car with the turbo-4 out of the CX-9 would be one of the most compelling cars on offer. I really wish Mazda was still going after the fun-seeking buyer.

If not for BBTF, this could would have been long forgotten and only mentioned as an example of a financial failure.

This is the hands down winner. If McLaren wanted to, they could dig up the blueprints and put this car back on sale exactly as it was in 1992 and nobody would have any complaints.

GM just legitimately stopped caring at that point in time. Just think of the Oldsmobile diesels.

Political correctness has become a cancer on our society.

Calling Lexus a luxury brand is a bit of a stretch. They’re more premium than luxury, akin to Infiniti and Buick.

This thing looks good, I’m going to have to consider it for my next car. Unless there’s going to be a surprise V40 announcement at some point. I’d rather get a wagon than a CUV, but good wagons seem to be scarce.

This sounds like a missed opportunity to be honest, AMG, M and to a lesser extent Audi Sport have highly-regarded reputations that are often in and of itself selling points for car models. These sub-brands don’t automatically become irrelevant in the electric car era, they just represent something different. If

This all sounds a touch paranoid to me...

How would this work though? How could Aston Martin suddenly have a power unit package that would be race-ready within 2 years? Even if they started development now I don’t see how it could be ready in time. Case in point, the Honda debacle that’s prompted all this. Furthermore, there are new engines coming in for 2021

I’ve historically been quick to discredit the Koreans’ attempt at a luxury and/or performance car, but this looks to be legitimately good. I’m starting to get tired of the cost to entry with the German luxury segment, so maybe this or the Stinger GT will be my next car. If the quality holds up, this is going to be

This is no longer true outside of the convenience store-type setups. City cameras and businesses who actually give a shit are recording in HD.

I think the R8 is the best comparison. The base price is more or less equivalent and the performance is also more or less equivalent to the other, more aspirational cars it competes against.

I agree, but I’m talking about the situations where the people are waiting so long that they’re impeding the progress of everyone behind, and especially when it’s painfully obvious that I’m not about to blow through the stop sign. Obviously it’s not a terrible idea when someone looks like they’re not getting ready to