Replacing your Mac mini’s hard disk with a solid-state drive (SSD) is like going from a gas-powered automobile to an electric car.
Replacing your Mac mini’s hard disk with a solid-state drive (SSD) is like going from a gas-powered automobile to an electric car.
One of the most frustrating things are people that are already at a stop sign, see you coming, and then wait to see if you’re actually going to stop. It messes up the flow of traffic so much; even more so when they try to be nice and let you go first.
As long as it doesn’t break down on you, this is a very solid option. LeSabres have some of the most comfortable seats ever fitted in a car that didn’t also feature a retracting hood ornament.
It was also difficult to live with from what I remember. It was supposed to be “a formula 1 car for the road”, so it had racing car elements like the suspension mounted directly to the engine. That works well for cornering performance, but it’s terrible for ride quality on a city street.
And to think I almost bought an ILX.... My A3 proved to be a better purchase.
I have yet to try a rye whisky that isn’t terrible. Even the expensive stuff tastes like Canadian Club.
The sobering reality is that were it not for his terrible accident, Ferrari would most likely have dropped him for 2010 in favor of the returning Michael Schumacher. Massa’s 2009 season was an outright disaster.
After spending dozens of hours fighting with WRT routers trying to set up a roaming network in my house, I caved and picked up an Airport Extreme and an Express. Within 15 minutes finally had my roaming network and never looked back. Apple doesn’t give you a lot of the advanced features, but for the average consumer,…
After spending dozens of hours fighting with WRT routers trying to set up a roaming network in my house, I caved and…
I’ll go against the grain a bit here and say he’s probably not wrong about Tesla’s overall engineering and quality; but Maserati has always operated on a bit of a “good enough” attitude themselves.
I’m not sure this is a major problem unless you have a fairly old car. And in this case, you may benefit from getting an aftermarket deck with Bluetooth/USB anyway.
This would also be a good time to enable two-factor authentication on your dropbox account. That’s great protection against these types of hacks.
It’s the 4-door version of the 2-door version, of the 4-door version. I tried explaining this to some non-car people and it was a waste of breath.
I don’t care how impractical it may be, or that at 6,4' I may not even fit inside; I need this car.
Clearly they asked Ron Dennis to come up with the names, they make about as much sense as his interview answers.
Precisely. The failsafe mechanisms in a car of that vintage were likely some crappy mechanical bits that wore out. I used to drive a LeSabre from the same era, and while the “shift out of park” failsafe did still work, you could force the car into gear without a lot of effort, just more than you would had the brake…
What I’ve observed from Hyundai/Kia is that while the cars are incredibly well-equipped for the money, the build quality is average. The interiors just don’t have high-quality materials, and the mechanicals leave something to be desired. How is it that so many of their models still have solid rear axles?
I watched an interview with James May about this, it does sound like they set up their own production company that is separate from Amazon, at least from a business perspective.
The one written by Canadian band the Guess Who?
DRLs need to become standard equipment on all cars for safety reasons; I see far too many people driving around with no lights on at night.
I think this episode could have been so much more than it was; the basic elements of the films had great potential that was not executed on. The M2 review was great, because Chris Harris. But the Jag bit felt a bit rushed, even with the self-imposed time constraint. The Rolls bit was good in the first half, but the…