
@jjswee: Um...clearly they're hiding weapons of mass destruction and the facilities to produce weapons of mass destruction.

Why haven't we taken them apart yet?

@a sexy hot dog: July is just in time for the back to school season. Also, the original Droid with it's 600mhz processor was starting to show it's age. Droid X was probably a response to the EVO, Galaxy S line, and iPhone 4.

@johnpooley3: Sprint is not as well equipped to handle the pressure of the iPhone as Verizon. Didn't Sprint's activation system crash when the EVO came out?

When I watch this I feel like I'm playing C&C Yuri's Revenge

@iScuba: Your gnomes are 3 feet tall....and electric? Do their eyes glow?

Why don't we just clean it up with magic? I hear Apple is already putting it to use in several of their creations.

@mecha2142: 1. already covered below. White iPhone/Verizon iPhone

@Arken: Lol, well I guess I really left myself open to that one.

What's with Microsoft not supporting commonplace features to begin with? No multitasking in WP7? No multitouch on this Arc Touch Mouse?

@jblues: This still made me laugh, but all of the "holding it wrong" jokes are getting old. I hate apple.

@Squalor: I think PinballFan would be the one with the dongle, charging the "I don't have cash" guy. But that guy is still gonna be a dick and order a chargeback

I want to believe this so badly....

@vein11: Apparently WP7 won't have multitasking for awhile, so I'd hold off for a little while until it gets updated.

@TangoTL: Oh I see. That makes sense.

@TangoTL: not that impressive? It made it on Gizmodo and it doesn't even have the picture of the fruit on the back...

@Anonymoose: You bring up an interesting point. Where is this wedding that facilities weren't already available? I thought weddings happened in churches? I mean, I've seen weddings try to happen outdoors in movies, but there's always some crazy shenanigans happening like an orangutan flipping tables or Adam Sandler

@Samo: I'm going to go with servicing. That looks like a good area to keep the pipes.

Can you imagine using a standard porto-pottie in formal attire? That would be terrible.

I have a question, and this seems to be the most closely related topic.