While his words and stories may not be much to my liking (I don’t like Zan that much), as a «man who draws» he has an impressive instinct. And by sheer instinct he just plunges ahead just for the sheer fantasy of it...
While his words and stories may not be much to my liking (I don’t like Zan that much), as a «man who draws» he has an impressive instinct. And by sheer instinct he just plunges ahead just for the sheer fantasy of it...
Thanks for all your work on Fine Arts, it’s still the best!
I enjoyed so much reading this!! Your Majora’s Mask take is so sweet.
Wonder made me giggle as much as RPG HD made me suffer...
Good one!! Had a blast reading, thank you ^_^
Reminded me a little of «Do androids dream of electric sheep?», I can picture the two most popular shows (that ran 24/7) being made with this kind of technology.
Kirby Súper Star for the Súper Nintendo.
I’m feeling quite disturbed by this...
I REALLY like the N64 controller. And even today. Some years ago I played my N64 and I still loved it to bits. It’s okay if you don’t like it, bur for me it’s one of the most awesome controllers ever. It’s shape is just so videogamey~
I think I played more with the D-pad that the stick: Mischief Makers, Ogre Battle 64, Resident Evil 2 and Goemon’s Great Adventure played great with the D-pad.
I find this pretty hypocrite… the Christian cross has been used to commit lots of terrible things (genocide included) but we give it a pass because of its origin (I assume). Shouldn’t we do the same for a religious symbol that is ubiquitous in many regions of eastern Asia?
I hope it gets better there in your heart. I really wish you the best~
My first SNES game. Has the perfect speed and perfect array of abilities and those little stories and the music and... yes. I love it. I LOVE IT.
The manga is: A W E S O M E
Am I the only one feeling like Nintendo is burning up more and more of the fans’ goodwill without doing anything to make up for it?
I love it when you get all «Fahey» on us, you lovable goofball~
Reminded me of the Persona music, it feels like a demonic rave qhere you just happen to intrude (and I’m also talking about the pre-Persona 3 games).
Beautiful piece.
So, is VII your favorite FF??