
I think the implication of the “dead man’s switch” is that he has some information held out for effect in case he is brutally murdered by the government or org in question reflects more poorly on the governments in question rather than Julian Assange

We’re all waiting to embrace the void

Dear god, another “MUH RUSSIAN CONNECTION” comment

Right. Though I don’t think Putin would allow Assange to be killed until he’s no longer a useful idiot for the Kremlin’s media arm he’s employed by; i.e., until after the election at the very least.

I like how Eddie is smart to realize that Wells won’t kill him because they’re related and thus, he needs to stay alive.

You can tell Cavanaugh was loving this, able to finally cut loose and chew the scenery with relish and loving finally being the bad guy in the open.

Yeah, I can testify that if your baby is crying on a plane, there's basically NOTHING that can be done. We didn't get the bulkhead seat because there were so many other babies on board that someone else beat us to it, and I'm sure for other passengers (especially those without children) that adds an element of "all

*Gracious bow*

The Oatmeal has it planned out correctly...

I loved that you held your kid out to him and told him to do something about her. Mad respect.

Pfft, I am on the mother's side here.

The only time I get seriously pissed about crying on a plane is when the parent just sits there like dead weight, not even trying to rock or soothe the baby. Or when someone boards a 10 hour flight with a 2 year old and did not even bring a single toy. What did you think your toddler was going to do, read the

But all of this assumes that zombies move ONLY at random. They are easily, and often, drawn in one direction or another by the lure of food (read: You.) An outbreak 90 meters away will only take 26 minutes to reach you if they don't know you're there.

Honestly? For me, a person's face covered in mathematics is more compelling start to a story than any opening to a zombie flick ever made.

If that's what the zombies are going to look like, I am IN

Assume spherical zombies in a vacuum...

So good:

Have we returned to the era where no artist is capable of drawing Mark Hamill's likeness?

i'm stoked. but the only Terminator movie i actively disliked was 3, because the acting/actors were so very very bad. I still don't understand the hate for Salvation - how can you complain about backstory/retconn in a series of time travel movies?