
On the season finale of Showtime's Emmy-winning, critically-lauded GLOBE-SPANNING PULSE-POUNDING SPY THRILLER:

Yes, and he was adequate in Fincher's capable hands. I don't quite understand the overpraise he is receiving for that role though. Is it merely because it was one surprising, unrivaled instance of audiences not being compelled to floss their brain with piano wire the moment Tyler Perry appears on a movie screen?

Nobody should wish for even more Tyler Perry than we've already been inundated with. NOBODY

Screw this soapy, melodramatic dreck! Homeland is where the action is: Carrie Mathison met her longlost brother and learned how to love again!

So tired of talking about it that you simply had to bring it up once again. And here, in the worst movies of 2014 thread. I'm sure you weren't expecting anyone taking the time to read the comments under such an article to ask for further explanation, that your enigmatic statement on the matter would suffice.

Alternative column title: New Releases on Netflix

Lol, USA network

Thanks, these comments definitely clear it up for me. They were smart to snatch him up, and he for getting in at the ground floor there. Though I don't venture there much myself, the lack of interaction makes it merely a drive-by site for me. This is still by far the smartest collection of reviewers on the web, I just

I'm relatively new here and was drawn here mainly by Todd's reviews of Mad Men and other top-tier shows. Since he's left, I rarely recall other reviewers names when I'm reading here, except Sonia who went out of her way to alienate people with her Leftovers reviews. Why did Todd leave to go to Vox, what was his beef

I cannot believe Seth Rogen makes $9 million dollars, more than the GDP of some countries, for pretending to put things up his ass.

"I vould dooo zhit fa fahhh lez moaney" beepboopbepe SHURBRA weallywoocha!!!

Think Solip was referring to the poor editing of this article and complete abandonment of that particular sentence therein.

Iggy has a little tiny waist and a big thick badonk. She went cheek to cheek with JLo recently in the latter's video entitled 'Booty', wherein the two pop stars rub their asses on one another. This is the state of music in the year of our Lordes 2014.

I don't think this review said what you think it did.

YAY, time better spent watching that exhilarating zombie show's mid-season finale, an episode wherein the character everyone has been expecting to die all season completely subverts expectations, breaks new ground in episodic storytelling and.. oh wait, no, they just kill that person.

The fact that Walking Dead is as accessible to viewers as is people throwing around a ball for three hours does not speak in it's favor.

I agree with every word you've written in your tier system. Please proceed to fill in my thoughts at your leisure.

The priest is ruined for me because the actor made such an impression as a homophobic douchebag in Dallas Buyer's Club.

Pretty fantastic, aside from great big sweeping 80's bush on Winston's lover.

It was alright, everything was alright, the struggle was finished. Winston had won the battle over himself. He loved Jason Bourne.