
Yes, the way things left off at Dandy's house last week were very threatening and ominous when Jimmy showed up. Contrast that to the beginning of this episode and it almost seemed a tea party in comparison, all the twins had to do was choose Jimmy and they were free? What happened to all that bottled up rage Dandy had

The Homesman with Tommy Lee Jones. Go see it.

Evan Peter's singing make strongman go limp :/. And what a limp episode it was. Seemed to be going absolutely nowhere until the very last scenes.

That picture in the header, unff.

If it looked like that I might actually decide to finally check that game out.

Bored now

Except, of course, that both American Horror Story and Homeland are having excellent seasons.

Seriously. That took a lot of the wallop out of this episode for me. It seemed too convenient, things had to happen that way to move the plot. Carrie didn't even sound like she believed it when she burst back into to the ops room, so I certainly didn't.

Argo shtup yourself

So, aside from all the bullcrap what did you think of Oculus?

Two fake-outs of Ma Petites death? TWO? After all the fantasy deaths of last week's episode? C'mon, at some point Murphy has got to be willing to put some real blood in the game amid his beloved freaks. He's the one who introduced the premise of Stanley hunting them in the first place. Show some conviction in your

"That's not the only thing that's limp.." *puzzled look, dunks on Larry Bird*

I feel for people that didn't see SoA for the suckfest it was destined to be from the first season on. Never get involved with a show whose star also shares a bed with the showrunner

You've decided to settle for less after all?

Just checking in to confirm if the show is still one big, aimless circle jerk. I feel pretty vindicated after reading a key plot point this season just went up in flames due to pulled-it-out-of-my-asshole-itis. Proceed wanking.

That whole scene with Dandy in his underwear working out and monologuing in his head was not even a homage to American Psycho, it was straight-up thievery

You. Friends. Hot cars. Drinks. Money. ASS. You in a tuxedo. More drinks. Cars. Pussy. Threesomes. Vodka. Drink some more. ASS. VEGAS. FUCK THIS GIRL MORE CARS MORE PUSSY DRINK DRINK IT ALL DRINKDRINKDRINK FUCKING PUSSY

Parker and Stone don't have completely clean hands as far as pumping out terrible licensed video games. There were a slew of dreck LJN-caliber games they signed off on in the 90s.

I will never understand Emma Roberts being cast in anything. She has a pretty face but her acting ranges from ho-hum to high school theater.

"Can you imagine this face on a normal body? I could have RULED the world!"