
We've spent too much time examining his face for him to pose anymore creepiness. I think it was a poor choice to feature him so heavily in all the episodes, a slow reveal of this ominous threat lurking in the outskirts of the show would have gone much further. He's a cartoon character at this point

Next week, Kathy Bates sings 'Chandelier'. "I waunt to swooong fram the choonderleer, fram the choonderleeeer"

No good reason for the episodes to be this freaking long, last night's was a tedious slog when the show should have been at it's Halloween glory. And my word is Wes Bentley terrible in this role, part 2 cannot come soon enough so he's on his way back to Hell (by way of eternal dinner theater considering his 'acting').

Oh, you got really defensive there for a silly joke about their age disparity. Were you doubling up on meds this month and ran out?

You keep what you kill

I kept waiting for that show to drop throughout the scene. Especially with how apprehensive he seemed to be about her abrupt advances. He's already been shown to be skittish as fuck but he's totally cool with grandma slipping her tongue down his throat out of NOWHERE

Aayan not noticing there aren't any other writers, editors, researchers, etc at the newspaper offices aside from his two CIA handlers.

Me too, I almost felt like Homeland had righted the ship and returned to Season 1 form. Then Carrie tried to fuck Pi and I felt like I was just in a hit-and-run with Dana Brody again

I don't know about you guys but I think Quinn is conflicted about something.

I came here to post those exact lyrics. Oh the ecstacy fueled nights that song was seared into my brain

So never ever take movie advice from you? Got it.

I'm interested to see what he achieves in Exodus. Since it truly does look like 'Gladiator 2' the movie may finally bring him across the threshold into true A-list celebrity and all the roles that come with it, the same way the original did for Joaquin Phoenix as it's big bad.

It's more than decent, but for the first three-quarters only. As the review contends perfectly, the denouement doesn't quite gel together as well as the first two acts. It's the only reason, but a big one certainly, that the movie won't take a place among the best of contemporary Australian drama such as Snowtown

She is one ponderous beyotch. Which wouldnt be the worst thing in the world if she was intelligent. But she's not.

Omg you are always here

Haha, you people watch the CW. You are part of the 500,000 out of 300 million Americans that watch the CW. I consider it quite an honor to have witnessed this sighting of two CW viewers here tonight. Like seeing a Sasquatch.

And how bereft of writerly talent they must truly be at 30 Rock to pilfer such an unremarkable piece of comedy and pass it off as their own. I had no idea the depths of creative bankruptcy at SnL were this pervasive.

And The Master fucking rocked. I don't need nor expect a winky-smiley face Coens Brothers farce from PTA. I'm glad the trailer turns out to be misleading, I wanted to VOMIT all over the walls when I saw what a whimsical romp they were presenting there!

Which means this has been an abysmal start to the season. Maybe they should have just cashed it in after their Everything is Shit epiphany

Penguin is worth the price of admission alone.