
By far the worst miscasting of the show

Yeah I think we have the wrong reviewer for this show. You want to impugn something that portends to be gritty realistic but has deviated into campy fantasy? Did you watch The Blacklist tonight? Woah mama, that show has devolved into more of a cartoon than Gotham could ever hope to be. And it's not even based on a

How dare you! If we meet again in the next life, you will be my sworn enemy, and I will show you no mercy.

This article means nothing without an awesome documentary to go with it.

I thought it was the nerdy preppy husband from the Cosby Show, give or take a few extra hundred pounds

Once again wondering how crucial plot details are wrongly represented as mysteries we may never have answers to in this review. How was it missed that the AFTEC were the ones who gutshot Wayne? Did the reviewer think it was just coincidental that armed-to-the-gills police men were scouring the area and finally located

I believe OP is referring to the scene before the car loading, when she is sitting meditatively with her 'family' and abruptly got up to fetch a pen and paper, writing Kevin a goodbye letter that could easily be misinterpreted as a suicide note before the clarifying subsequent scenes proved otherwise

It was very interesting watching him go from STAFF to peon during the course of the discussion. I agree, his inane ramblings definitely got the thread locked up tighter than Justin Theroux's sphincter as Patti straddled him in take after take after take..

Yeah, he's an idiot

Yes, renting Reservoir Dogs on a whim based on its VHS box description and then watching it on LSD later that night was an experience that changed my cinematic outlook forever more

Reservoir Dogs before Jackie Brown but otherwise correct

You watch one episode of it, you've seen them all. Spader is good fun, but a whole lot of bad actors surround him and really dampen anything other than a passable relationship with the show for me

You take all they cribbed from Ligotti out of True Detective's first season and you have the most ho-hum police procedural this side of Law and Order. Which is exactly what it sounds like we're in store for in season two.

It's playing faintly.

It's playing

And what happened to the scene from last week's preview of Aimee standing in a doorway in her panties, eye-fucking Garvey? It seemed they had the set-up all prepared with Aimee and Garvey alone in his house and yet the scene never materialized?

If there is no big mystery, Lindelof should really stop having every other character say some iteration of 'IT WON'T BE LONG NOW' in each episode as if we should be trying to suss out what the fuck is going to happen. It reeks of abject trolling by a person with an already shoddy record of such.

Seriously, fuck this show. How many times can they show Justin Theroux passing by his wife in slow motion as celestial music plays and her face is washed in consternation. Every week they just shuffle the same few motifs over and over again, mixed in with a middling new plot point to give the pretense of some

This is the way I read it as well and am pretty sure is correct: pre-unburdening by Wayne, Nora was always allowing her own loss to either willfully or subconsciously check 'Yes' to question 121 regardless of the interviewee's actual response.

Exactly, the whole reason for the montage of GR douchery at the beginning of the ep was to emphasize those provocations between the group and the rest of the townspeople. The people that actually killed Gladys were irrelevant, it was the town's collective rage that had been festering and boiling and ultimately