
I also hate how she glosses over actually explaining any of the symbolism she swears the show is handing to us with a silver platter up the nose. It feels so lazy and defensive, like she is worried she will miss something that someone else might see, so she preemptively waves it all off completely.

Like embarrassing to the whole website shit for a writer to be that warped and obtuse in their perspective.

I never really got the appeal of Slumdog Millionaire, that movie was just not speaking my language

Yep did you see all the bodies the ATF(EC) were disposing of? I'd say these cults' offing has become pretty commonplace indeed

The FUCK I can't curse!

She just has no interest in the show whatsoever. Shouldn't that be a requirement for a continuing review of it? Her disconnect would serve better as a one-off review of the show as an entity rather than the week-by-week agony she seems to be putting herself (and us) through with these episodic critiques

It was an extremely watchable if not hugely eventful episode. Sometimes this show just pours over me even if I still have worries I may end up getting my chain pulled by all of the mystery and allusion in the end.

Stop being dumb. No one is writing articles about CAM rips being uploaded to the Internet. This was indeed a DVD Screener leaked from someone close to the film

Why did it seem only four people in the audience knew The Never ending Story bit!!? How old am I?!?

Fucking Larry

If you can keep your head when all about you dogs are losing theirs..

Why the assumption we won't be seeing anymore individual character chapters? Because we didn't get one after the initial surprising one? I need a Nora Durst or GR leader Patti episode in mah life!

Did they all start caroling while doing it? That's the part where again the writers went above and beyond any authenticy, not such much the obvious adolescent predilection for destruction and rebellion. If we're crediting the show for something that trope then, fuck, man

Yes thank you. The one baptizing the doll with gasoline while speaking faux priest babble. Or ALL of them chiming in to sing Silent Night during the faux Viking funeral, as if they were all at the exact same level of intoxication to put aside their teenage pretensions and start faux caroling. These are not teenagers,

Yeah I was kinda hoping she would take the shot, just so I could have one more thing to roll my eyes about this episode when the arrow inevitably landed the mark.

Eternally yours, thank you!

I want that song that played during the parade fight on my car radio for long drives at night. It hit me in the same way as 'in a heartbeat' from 28 Days Later

Completely agree about Todd's weirdly profuse praise of this show and specifically the pilot in his review. Maybe he wrote it in the afterglow of consuming the entire season, and that's as promising a spin I can put on things after being let down by the show tonight. Because other than viewing it that way, all this

Didn't you kinda make it personal when you intimated you would fuck any one of us over in order to preserve your own existence? Just a little bit?

Ricky C, West side massiv booyakasha