
I think tonight makes it official: Key and Peele are outright the most regrettable miscasting of this show in what is otherwise a stellar ensemble

Well, that was silly

You're not alone, I'm kinda shocked by how accepting people seem to be with the show simply fast-forwarding through a year's worth of story this late in the series. It doesn't jive with the narrative pace we've experienced up til now and I found the jump unmerited and a bit of a betrayal. I just hope we aren't looking

That would have been much more apropos for this show than something as displaced and pedestrian as a time jump

Hated the time jump. Felt like a total betrayal of the intimacy we've had with the events of the story ever since Lester met Malvo in an emergency room. This late in the season it surely feels like the writers who had crafted such a tight, brilliantly-plotted story suddenly realized they were running out of episodes