
If Sony didn't want to get hacked, they shouldn't have dressed that way. They were just asking for it.

No its a fairly common rule to establish if someone is too young to date. But Hollywood being what it is seems to use it for the end of the spectrum rather than the beginning.

The rule is half the male's age plus seven years. So although Gyllenhaal is too old now to be Spader's love interest, in 2002 she wasn't.

Hey, hey, bing bing bing bing bang! POPCORN!

Don't tell Peter David.

No doubt. Blood Dragon was fun…but sooooo shallow. And even if Far Cry 4 was just a reskinned Far Cry 3…so what? Far Cry 3 was the most fun I'd had with a FPS in years. Sometimes simply more is a good thing.

Nick not Disney.

Winter Soldier isn't getting a short.

All pre-Adore albums have already received lavish deluxe reissues.

I thought the part they blatantly ripped off of Princess Mononoke were nice as well.

Parts anyway…but it's becoming more and more clear that without Troy, they have no idea what to do with Abed.

Shrek was shit from the start. Deep down everyone knows this.

Marty's daughter was abused and raped by his father-in-law in order to eliminate her virginity and thus her acceptability to Grandfather Tuttle and his underlings.
The show will end with Rust being killed, Marty being imprisoned for killing his ex father-in-law, the scarred man dead…but the higher members of the ring

Almost…the best is a moment later when she's holding the cigarette with her teeth as she takes aim.

Welcome to Erf: The Movie