Project 2501

He and Joel were classmates at NYU so

It may seem easy to dismiss Ethan's recent output as a bemused series of jokes, but seeing as neither he nor Joel have previously been outspoken about partisan politics in public, this is actually a pretty big deal. As anyone familiar with the Coens' films or their brand of Jewish-tinged existentialism can tell you,

South Park had been getting rusty in its old episodic format for years, to the point where it was reaching Simpsons levels of tired schtick and cultural irrelevance. Radically shaking up the structure, style and subject matter of the show the way they did last season was the best idea Trey and Matt could've possibly

All this outrage over a 30-second scene in a 30-minute prologue. How many of the people frothing about how it was exploitative and "gross" (super descriptive word, there) even saw the movie?

Pretty sure that's why Alan Moore disliked Killing Joke too.

Too bad.

How does a man complain about political correctness in one breath and then about being mocked on a TV comedy show in the next

"What is PC but a verbal form of gentrification" might actually be the most cerebral question South Park has ever put forward. Hits on a real, abstract argument that doesn't get nearly enough serious discussion, that being that the meme of political correctness as it exists in the social media era is in many ways a

I assume that by "sharp and incisive" you mean "left-leaning".

"On the one hand, the members of the alleged "PC police" are generally from groups that are objectively disenfranchised and not in positions of power, something which is not recognized."

It'll be a cold day in hell before the Coens make a film that's not set in America.

It'll be a cold day in hell before the Coens make a film that's not set in America.

Still waiting for news on their Yiddish Policeman's Union adaptation. Boy, am I waiting.

I guess if you don't mind being shamelessly manipulated.

I guess if you don't mind being shamelessly manipulated.

More or less agree with all of this, except I'm not so sure Memento was a masterwork and I don't think Inception was completely terrible (definitely a failure though).

More or less agree with all of this, except I'm not so sure Memento was a masterwork and I don't think Inception was completely terrible (definitely a failure though).

"The dialogue is so good, as it is in almost every Nolan film"
Okay, what?

"The dialogue is so good, as it is in almost every Nolan film"
Okay, what?

I know I'm in the minority here, even among people who aren't already enthralled with all things Christopher Nolan, but I just couldn't get myself to like this film. It has everything I hate about Nolan, albeit not in the extremes of his later movies: It is painfully humorless and feels off-puttingly bloodless. Its