
Lol seriously like I was trying to follow him but he lost me with all that hate.

Haters going to hate.

Wife is a doctor, that’s total bullshit. Insurance drives up costs, or lack there of. If someone doesn’t have insurance, by law, the hospital has to treat them. Who eats the loss? The hospital takes some and the rest is passed on to those of us with insurance through higher charges to HMOs.

Guess what the number one cause of death is?

Seriously, I’m surprised he didn’t lead with the classic: “Steve Jobs is rolling in his grave.” bullshit.

Lol you seem dramatic.

Where are you finding just they keyboard for a 2015/2016 Retina MacBook for under $100? The cheapest prices I’m seeing from a cursory search are $150-$200 for the top case with they keyboard.

Exactly. It doesn’t have apps that matter.

We found the person who’s locked into a 2-year contract with a Windows Phone!

lol, sure. That’s why it is a massive failure, keep telling yourself that.

You’re the idiot if you spend $650 on a smartphone to TRY it out when there are a huge selection of phones that are better, offering more apps, has more support, and costs less than this phone. You can try all you want it’s your $650 but the majority have spoken - windows mobile is a huge flop and has been since its

It doesn’t matter even if it was the very best platform, if there isn’t anything to use on it and no one is buying the hardware to encourage more software there isn’t a future for it.

Interestingly it wasn’t actually more expensive than the MBA until today. If you wanted an 8/256 MBA you had to spec it up, and ended up with the exact same price as the base MB (which started at 8/256).

I dunno... maybe it’s my generation (I’m 50) ... but I’m so glad I have no fucking idea how Twitter works nor do I see a need to use it.

Sometimes, Zuckerberg’s ideas on the need to kill online anonymity don’t seem so unpalatable.

“ of Chicago’s best neighborhoods...”? I would put money on most Chicagoans disagreeing that Streeterville is one of our best neighborhoods.

Me too! I’ve been wanting to try an Android device for years now, but I don’t want a 5.5" or larger screen. 4.7" is my max. But it seems that if you want a smaller-screened Samsung Android device, you have to compromise on specs, either overall memory, camera, or screen resolution. Apple is the only one that packs all

Something with the size of a fifth generation iPod with its just-barely-big-enough 2.5-inch screen, and tight integration over to an iPhone 6 or 6+, which is in pocket, purse or case nearby...

Yeah, car names make so much sense.