
While that Godfather case is a awesome case mod to look at. And one that the creator has every right to be proud of.

Sega better add this to the sequel.

Twitter the site is down. But I'm able to access my Twitter feed, and make a Status Update through TweetComb.

You pay for that ticket and I will fly first class.

Why not call it "Conker's Other Bad Fur Day"?

Just found these two images on the game twitter page:

Lets see the game in motion before we draw final conclusions.

Uhhh, isn't 3D Realms technically still around? I mean, I know they have no staff now.

Ok, that guy has some seriously awesome skills.

I seriously wonder where rocketship simulator is now. Would make for an interesting museum piece.

Read the letter in the link. All is not what it seems there.....

My biggest accomplishment was a massive failure. I had a car wreck back on April, 18th.

My biggest accomplishment was a massive failure. I had a car wreck back on April, 18th.

No Hollywood magic has been applied to the image?

Worked for the new GoldenEye 007. I see no reason it wouldn't work for Epic Mickey.

2011 has a been a strange year for PR problems. Here's a few examples.......

What about made in Russia in Cad?

When I first read this. I thought it said ManBear Pig