
Yeah, I've been *all* about Cyanogenmod since the early days of CM7 or so, pimping them to everyone/anyone within earshot of me, but, Google Services?
Sorry, brother - as much as I *love* your product... :/

The rest of the enlightened world does as well. The only people that don't believe in it, are, well, in fact glue-huffing apes.

This particular type of inquiry is a new thing, and has been a primary objective for a few years now.

well how else are we gonna democracy the shit out of other bad countries that conveniently have fossil fuels?

I'd be happy to make corrections if you can point out the inaccuracies! Thanks!

Minnesota is perhaps even more in denial about its racist history than Oregon. At least some Oregonians are trying to talk about it without minimizing the discussion by saying I only pointed out "one sad, racist incident."

These stories are always so demoralizing. You know the heated debate about whether it would be better for NASA to revisit the moon, or do an Asteroid Retreival mission? With just the amount the Pentagon wastes, we could have both. Instead of the F-35 we could have a permanent moon base, and a radiotelescope on the

Makes the arrogant sneers we have to put up with down here from everyone else seem pointless and neurotically defensive. Stop scapegoating the old Confederacy and admit what you all are — hypocrites.

Nice post! Minnesota eh? Ever hear old White guys in Nordeast talk about the days that the Northsiders weren't allowed across the Lowry Bridge? Somewhat of an A Bronx Tale arrangement: "we didn't go there, they didn't come here, or else". Would be interesting if you are still in town to get another Blue State history

Fair enough. That's a really ugly sentence. Tweaked it a bit to hopefully make it more clear.

Been in the PNW since 1966. Yep. The large metropolitan (Seattle / Tacoma) areas are fairly non-racist. Eastern Washington & Eastern Oregon & all of Idaho? Dueling banjos theme song plays in the background. Far too many "The south shall rise again" types. WTFH? Even just a bit (1/2 hour- 45 mins) outside the major

Well it all makes sense now on why, as a black man, I could never win when playing Oregon Trail.

Gosh, you're right. that better be reflected in my envelope at the end of the month!

Here's a challenge for Jesus to 'save': They were gonna do some cross-burning, and a bit of an accident. "Toastyyy!"

The majority of Oregonians (which is to say the territory's new white residents who were systematically and sometimes violently oppressing its Native peoples) [...]

I have enjoyed this discussion. Even the people who made fun of me. The fact that this has 716 replies when most post get about 30 shows that this is a topic that people need to talk about. The internet can be a power agent for change. If it used properly. Thanks for insights.

This guy has a half dozen phenotype traits exclusive to those of African descent that I can see at a glance. What the actual fuck?

Today of course, Oregon is part of the mostly nice, liberal West Coast, which poses an uncomfortable question: Did white people in Oregon become tolerant because there were fewer non-white people there for them to feel anxious about, and thus mould their politics? By contrast Mississippi is 38% Afro-American, plus

Thank you for the little tidbit of knowledge, but curse you because lol will forever be read by me as "little old ladies."