Night Walker

I’ve tried this method. It doesn’t work, because the premise—that it gets easier to get rid of clutter as you get rid of more of it—is wrong.

I need to know one more thing:  did they put back the altimeter that had been present in the Charge 4 and previous models but was removed from the Charge 5?

This method, as described, only works for morning people. I am certainly neither fresh” nor focused” in the morning. I devote my mornings to the “maintenance” tasks because I’m simply not productive until sometime after lunch.

And what’s happening to my Disney+ annual rate?

When I heard Trump’s lawyer floating arguments like this on TV, I found myself wondering if he’s trying to lay the groundwork for an appeal on the grounds of ineffective counsel.

No need to wait for your monthly statement.  Most credit cards allow you to sign up for alerts that will email or text you, typically within moments of a charge hitting your card.  Thanks to that feature, I’ve disputed charges that had long since been resolved before I received my statement.

Can the “automatically archive any tab after 12 hours to 30 days” feature be deactivated? Worrying that some of my tabs are going to disappear, even if I have a month, would make this browser a non-starter for me.

The American Express Platinum charges $695/year.

Why did you wait until more than halfway through the season’s run to publish this?

Thanks for this article, Jeff.  Every time I consider quitting this site because of its moronic comment engine that usually hides some of the best comments, an interesting, informative, entertaining article like this one comes along to keep me coming back.  Thanks!

Thank you for this comment.  I thought I was hallucinating.

The subreddit I visit most often decided to participate by moderator fiat. The first time I heard about this protest was when the subreddit posted a notice a couple of days ago announcing that the site would be dark for two days. User input was not solicited, and response to the announcement was very mixed. I’m not

I disagree with the assertion that few investment options is an indication of a bad plan. I’ve worked for companies with dozens of investment options, and I now work for a place with only five. I can confidently say that having only five options, all solid choices representing distinct asset strategies (cash, bonds,

There is nothing “Conservative” about refusing to pay for obligations we have already incurred.  “Conservatives” aren’t suggesting we eat at a less expensive restaurant; they’re demanding that we skip out on the check after we’ve finished eating.

There are several credit cards that pay 2% cash back on all purchases, enough to make a profit on tax payments even after the 1.85-1.98% credit card processing fees. The two most widely available 2% cash back credit cards are the Citi Double Cash and the Wells Fargo Active Cash.

Why not just get a metal steamer?  I place my food directly on my metal steamer, and it barely sticks.

I hope he listens to this advice.  This photo will appear in every US history book that covers this era (except, possibly, for those books prepared for the Texas market).

This is all great, but please get an entirely new comment engine.  Your current comment system, which consigns messages to the greys for hours or days, causes messages to disappear, and requires multiple pushes of the “see more comments” button to read the entire current thread, is the worst of any website I regularly

The changes all sound great. I’m looking forward to them.

“The dumpling recipe your friend recommended might make 48 two-inch dumplings, but you’re cooking for one person.”