
What do you expect from a $40 pair of shoes? I question their labor and sourcing practices, too, if that’s all they cost . . .

There is also the classic Michael Caine quote about Jaws 4 “ I haven’t seen the movie, by all accounts it’s terrible, but I have seen the house that it built and it’s lovely.”

The only thing he’s promoting in copy writing blurbs for a program is the program himself, or did you miss my comment about how he’s mostly unemployable as an editor and film critic? He’s not being given a platform to advocate for anything.

Yeah! The internet is just a fad! and cell phones? Those will never last. Don’t get me started on talkies!

Yes, “technology” is a bubble. And someone will have to write the code for that “simulated intelligence” of which you speak.

Every new stadium is presented as gift from an owner to the fans, even though fans are paying every step of the way.

There is a HUGE difference between his former position and his (I guess now also former) position as a copywriter. It is not the equivalent of moving a priest to a new parish.

This is what a significant portion of society wants. They want the offender put on a list, banned from neighbourhoods and most public spaces, and restricted from certain activities and livelihoods, in the name of protecting people from their inevitable re-offending, and also so we won’t have to be exposed to them or

It is hard to say how to handle this, if this dude is a known creep who may reoffend, then you don’t want him around. Like you said, it is hazy and any outcome is going to piss off a lot of people. In some ways, there is a hypocrisy from people who think the “ban the box” is a good social justice reform, but then want

Yes, trying to transition people from a dying industry into the ever expanding tech industry is clearly very stupid.

a)RL time zones are not part of the in-game

Like the Michigan man who was so afraid for his life because someone was banging on his door at 4:30 am, that he opened the door and shot a 19 year old female accident victim in the face.

“Homeless guy walks up to my car, yells at me and says insulting things.”

“ she didn’t know she hit him”. Oh, okay, so your best defense is a reckless disregard for use of a fucking firearm? Like, I deal with a lot of homeless folks. Thanks to our broken mental health system, a lack of social services, and rampant drug abuse, it is totally possible for a homeless guy to, for want of a

The style of portraits are pretty awesome. Some of the faces, especially of the Overwatch women, seem a little off though.

The shots are kind of far apart (several months) too, which I’m sure contributes. Having to get THREE INJECTIONS months apart is kind of a tough thing from a compliance standpoint.

Gotta say that wedding dress KILLS IT. Just the right blend of modest and sexy, the lace is gorgeous, the veil the perfect topper to not distract from the gown but enhance the whole look.

Nuance is forbidden in most conversations nowadays.

It’s even more insane, my dudes. That’s the pool house on the left, apparently:

Maybe I’ve never had a ton of time or disposable income in equal measure, but the Switch library seems robust enough for me right now. I only have so much time in a given week, and 3 or 4 games I can enjoy seems like more than enough, especially given how dense BoTW is. At least 8 seems excellent, for now, and this