
And yes, committing green card and insurance fraud are serious crimes. So were hiding Jews in your attic or slaves in your basement.

As long as there are STDs the world will need condoms.

The thing is - you don’t have to feel bad for them. But you can say that you are not for a system that it broken.

You managed to evolve from being on the fence to being a death penalty supporter in three sentences. I’m going to have to call sentence #1 a total fucking lie.

Over 250 people have been exonerated from death row. 250 innocent people who could have been murdered by our govt if it hadn’t been found out in time they were innocent. Many of those were race related as well. The death penalty is not an action we can take back if we’re wrong.

Well then you do know where you stand on the death penalty.

Except the girls are ALREADY OUTPERFORMING THE BOYS. You are complaining that a system designed to catch a demographic up to your level is discriminatory. How privileged do you have to be to not see that?

Well this is awkward, if you read the article you’d see that they already had an all-girls school which had significantly higher funding and enrollment. But I’m guessing you aren’t going to get retroactively infuriated over the past 30 years of public school policy which has been telling boys “Sorry, sucks to be you,

With all due respect, the study you cite is one school in Windsor, Ontario that ended in 1972, so hardly a “we”. Also this:

Also, this article pays short shrift to the views of the girls who would get their own school, as noted in the WaPo article. The girls didn’t want the school, they wanted - and will get - something else. Being knee-jerk cuts both ways, and this click-baity article irritates me.

Because it sure seems like if it’s to help school-age girls get into STEM, Jezebel is all for it...but if it’s to help boys with the problems boys have, then it’s sexist and excludes girls.

I used to work with kids in this demographic, and if I’m being honest the boys needed A LOT more attention and intervention than the girls. I think that this school sounds like an imperfect solution, but I absolutely noticed an achievement gap between the boys and the girls I worked with. This doesn’t mean girls

I think that making excuses for the racist Trump supporters needs to stop.

Why would this look bad for Uber if the other guy failed to yield & it’s his fault?

“My spouse and mother gave me advice, but I don’t like it so I won’t do it”

We found the end of the line at Rockefeller Plaza and then eavesdropped on the couple in front of us to kill time. The woman was a brunette from Switzerland, visiting New York City on a music residency. She wore a red windbreaker, gold American Apparel leggings, and black oxfords. An upside-down triangle had been

Those lies matter but they just won’t say that publicly. He has hurt his credibility. Without credibility, he can’t make any deals in Congress because nobody trusts him to follow through on his promises. It is one of the reasons why he is having such a tough time getting the GOP behind Trumpcare.

The sadness I have felt over the past several months over this realization has been a deep and profound thing for me. While I do realize that most people are not actively “haters” there are enough. Furthermore, there are many, many more willing to condone it based on the perception that they are going to get something

I would argue that Russian involvement is less the problem than the people who were willing to vote for this fool despite what they could see in front of their faces. Whatever effect the Russians many have had was, in my opinion, marginal to the ultimate outcome. Yes margins matter in this case but under any rational

It’s illegal to act as the agent of a foreign power to influence elections unless you declare yourself to be one. Feds are going to have to decide whether to start popping people under FARA pretty soon.