Yeah, but muscle growth is uncomfortable and impractical. With pipe-cleaner arms you’re much more flexible than when you have bulked-up pecs and biceps.
Yeah, but muscle growth is uncomfortable and impractical. With pipe-cleaner arms you’re much more flexible than when you have bulked-up pecs and biceps.
The weirdest I’ve driven is an old pickup truck that used to have a three on the tree that was converted to a floor mounted tranny, but they used a shifter for a car not a truck, so every time I shifted gears I’d have to practically reach to the floor.
There really needs to be two different words for tailgaiting, because like you said, not all roads are multi-lane highways, but when talking about tailgaiters that’s what most people have in mind (a slow driver in the left lane who’s holding up traffic). That being said, you CAN control the speed of cars ahead of you…
If people are tailgating you that means that you are driving too slow and you need to speed up or move to the right.
My parents call it a “didge”, from back when it was called a Digital Control.
I audio record concerts and the people who do that call it taping and we call ourselves tapers even though 99% of us use a digital recorder.
I honestly thought that the first post would be a picture of Indiana Jones that said “It belongs in a museum!” so I’m disappointed. Sweet fucking car, though.
Anyone else surprised that the price was $6k in 1964 and $25k in ‘74? That seems like a huge jump—was inflation that bad or was there a lot added to the car in those ten years?
I like this car and think that it’s good looking, but if you told me the car in the top picture was a 2003 model I’d have no trouble believing it. That’s not necessarily a bad thing and of course “if it ain’t broke, don’t fix it” but that car could use some fixin’.
It’s kinda odd that Tacomas are everywhere and I see them every day yet they’re still good looking and desirable, but I see Mustangs every day and even though I loved the redesign I’m now bored by them.
If you REALLY hate Hillary, you should register as a Democrat and vote for Bernie in your state’s primary or caucus. You can switch back to republican or independent after you vote for Bernie, but you really should take advantage of your opportunity to vote against Hillary Clinton. If Bernie wins the Democratic…
When I read the headline I thought “oh, no! That’s horrible” but as I read the article it began to sound like a good idea. Although I think it would be better for car enthusiasts if the companies went into partnerships with each other rather than a merger or consolidation. I’d love to see what Mazda and Nissan could…
If my car fell into a sewage filled sinkhole I think that I’d slip the tow truck driver a few bucks to “accidentally” destroy the car for me.
The United States of America begs to differ.
Is that a “modern art” statue or are you saying that men in Belgium pee in public anywhere they want? (never been to Europe, so I dunno)
I couldn’t be any more jealous of a person than I am of him. Those wheels are hideous, but he’s doing everything else right.
I’ve never seen anything in the bed of a brodozer except for air and ego.
I always keep a bag of (clean) kitty litter in my car.
Have you guys done any reviews on Wi-Fi range extenders? I need to get one, but I don’t know which I should get.
Have you guys done any reviews on Wi-Fi range extenders? I need to get one, but I don’t know which I should get.
That’s what I thought, too...and they pretty much say that, although it’s in airplane lingo and not car talk: