It seems like everyone is talking about what horrible names they could have been named! For me it couldn't have been a better prospective name!
It seems like everyone is talking about what horrible names they could have been named! For me it couldn't have been a better prospective name!
This is such a neat gif!
My grandmother makes a congealed salad for every holiday meal. She'll swap them up between Christmas and Thanksgiving. Pistachio, Prezel salad, Blueberry, Cranberry... the list is extensive.
It is 30 Seconds to Mars. I am such an ass sometimes.
No problem. My comment also reveals a more sinister motive. I'm distressed by his music career and feel like he would have been a much better actor than music-guy. But since I'm random-person-opinionator it's none of my business what he does. But Requim for A Dream, come on! Act more! Please? I have yet to see…
I was only kidding about Jared Leto. He's probably a good guy with questionable music tastes (I kid, again) and he has been in some of the best movies I have seen.
This is negated by Jared Leto who is also on the cover.
Personally, this was a screwed up weekend. I had one friend die in a car accident. He and his wife had a 5 month old daughter (coincidentally named after his sister who had passed). Another friend had just taken in 3 boys to foster. She died of an aneurysm. So Kewlbeaan's comment about the "young children…
My first car was a Chevy Citation. I loved that darn thing. Highlights: wonky dash and bench seats! Silver all the way and had a sideways tape player in the dashboard (not sure if that was added later). It was older than me and was a tiny tank. Perfect car for a sixteen year old.
You just reminded me that I wanted to see this movie! Thanks! :)
This is causing me to have an episode at work (and send massive emails loaded with pics to my bestie.) Thank you Jezebel! Another wonky Wednesday rescued!
I had no idea that he was a ginger.
Oh Jezzies! Please help! This post will help me with my very own Christmas Miracle! A long time a go, in a far away place, Burgundee had a favorite pair of mid-calf boots. She wore them and wore them until the sole and heel needed to be glued back on, the elastic lost shape and then they gave away and then…
As a representative of the Southernese: I say, bless your heart, Dodai. That shit is funny.
Khloe has been my favorite because she just seems to own who she is and what she looks like— which she isn't bad-looking. Everyone's oversexualized her family so much that this attractive young lady is considered the "ugly" and "fat" one.
I misread this as "Threat level: Midget."
I'm with you on the milk not coming in. People are incredulous about it and thought I was lying and lazy, etc. After a bad couple of months we went to formula and my lovely 14 month old is very happy and growing.
This is brilliant. My dogs have outsmarted me with the pill-stuck-in-piece-of-cheese method I had been using. Also the pill smooshed inside processed cheese slices. It was exasperating. The vet was like, "Cheese? They won't do it for cheese? Well then, good luck."