
I said it when this was posted to Giz and I’ll say it again here.

Lithobraking. Guaranteed to reduce your surface velocity to zero.

I’m sorry, but you’re both wrong. The correct answer is ALWAYS: The Martian 2: Electric Boogaloo.

I can’t believe you’re still supporting Michael Dukakis


I find this to be an issue as well but there are helmets that work. I wear prescription glasses and there have been multiple helmets that I liked the feel of but they pressed on my glasses the wrong way (it doesn’t take much pressure to make a big difference). Sometimes you can adjust or get different pads to help, I

If you buy a bike get ready for a lot of unwanted attention.

In a car, watch a Lord Of Sex And Awesome ride up behind you with his straight pipes.

The galaxy cluster that is lensing the galaxy is 4 billion light years away. The actual galaxy is behind this cluster, somewhere around that 13.4 billion light years you’re thinking of. The article does read like the galaxy is only 4 billion light years away though...

Welcome to lanesplitter, sorry for not being a robot.

not to mention an exhaust that meets emissions, cheaper suspension and brake bits, less complex tank/engine case covers, more upright riding position, etc. I would be VERY surprised if it looks even half as good as the renders when it comes out.

There are a lot of guesses. The thing is, we don’t even know if it’s matter, it could be something else entirely, like a bubble in space-time or gravity leaking in from another universe. “Dark Matter” is just the name given to it because the only thing we do know about it is that it somehow exerts a gravitational

I was pretty vocal on Gawker about their exploitation of the Sony hack, and I believe it got me banned (they don’t ever tell you why you are banned). This is just as bad and I couldn’t believe how many folks were defending the hackers pointing out about how the cheaters were scumbags, etc.

Every day on the freeway I only hear the motorcycle after it passes. If you’ve made your motorcycle louder purely for your own safety, you’ve wasted your money.

Why don't the just admit the thing landed in a dirt lot behind a 7-11 somewhere in New Mexico? We won't be mad. Everyone makes mistakes.

The entitlement in telling another woman what to do with her eyebrows. I just — not to be obnoxious about it, but this is how women enact and enforce the patriarchy on one another.

It looks like an iPad stuck in a fancy stand with presumably more ports.

I prefer the term "global warming deniers". Calling them "skeptics" makes it sound as though there's scientific reason behind their positions.

But an acronym IS by definition a shortened version of a phrase, so saying it is a shortened version of a phrase AND an acronym is redundant.