
Gawd that's ugly.

@elgilicious: Try Earthboxes. I had these when I lived in an aprtment. They grow copius amounts of tomatoes.

Works great on both my macs with firefox. Better res than XP in parallels. A little jerky now and again, but watchable. All in all very promising.

There are a couple of awfully OS X'y lookin' things on there.

Why is it so dark in here? Someone hit the lights.

Well, showed it to the wife, she thinks it's cute, so I guess we are going to be Pinto people now rather than Volvo. These are just as safe, right?

I just drove 600+ miles with my fully loaded 1994 B250 van with the 318. At 62mph I got an average of 19mpg. Pretty good.

Rednecks the world over. Love it.

Oh, and, first

I love that the video is sponsord by BMW

Two words: Urban Sombrero

VOTE: Sapiens

Every time the video shows him driving the car, for an instant, my mind says, "Holy Crap! there is a head floating down the street!" Just looks weird

The bookmarks editor is also way better in this latest version. In the last, some bookmarks would disappear when you tried to move them. All seems to work now.

@lorddef: What? Password Safes? Please elaborate.

looks like Speed finally get to bed Trixie. That's a good thing. Isn't it?

I live at 8,750 feet in the mountains of New Mexico (yes, there are mountains) We love driving down the street and see the tourist who put hot water on their windshields when it was 20 below the night before. Shatter-o-rama.