
it's hard to argue with someone who dismisses logic and facts. You are like a Republican Googler. Lol


Combing quality and chromebooks on anything under $350 is a laugh. God you are insufferable. You can’t see the Forrest for the trees.

Also calling Chromebooks “a true powerhouse machine” not even the most ardentardent chromebook users wouldwould call it that. What you just said just goes to show that you really don’t know what you are talking about.

What the heck is an “average college student”? That means nothing. My wife was an “average college student”. A typical laptop would have served her better. You can’t predict what you will need your laptop for. We didn’t think one of her classes would need java to participate in. We didn’t anticipate hernto need to use

The problem is in close to all colleges are always behind in the tech they can use. Can you “get by” with a chromebook? Maybe, but if you are the type of person asking that question then you are the type person who should buy a real laptop. Computer labs do not guarantee a seat, and god forbid you need to hand

The short answer is no. Not now and not for a while is a Chromebook or devices like it suitable for students. Sure you may be able to do 97% of what you need to do on it but it comes to that 3% you don’t want to think about how to overcome that peopblem, whatever it may be. Your laptop should always just be there

nonsense not November

All governments have to do is remove all government regulations on taxi s and then they would be on equal footing as Uber and all this November goes away.

French Taxi Thugs... Seriously.

The camera used was the Sony A7s not the Sony A7.

I was looking for something like this. Saves me couple minutes a day but a lot more headaches.

the measurements are not precise.

As a person of Dominican heritage and strong roots back at home, please do not lump what is going on there with the racism back in the USA. The situation is kinds of fucked up but racism it is not. Viewed through an American lens, you see a narrow and distorted view of the situation. I kindly ask that you remove the

jail time?

engineering or math majors should seriously consider the Surface Pro or any 2in1 with an active digitizer. OneNote comes with great features to make your life w much easier. This video shows all the great features.

I laugh at the chart when it takes me 50 minutes to drives 7 miles of I-95 in Miami.

The FCC mandated that the cable companies eat their own shit.

If you want WMC you want TV. You tried to fit a cube in a round hole.